Chapter 18: Preparations 4/4

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The cruel man stood watching as the scientists worked on the heart in front of him. It was beating weakly and needed external help with the blood pumping process. He was sick of waiting and quickly asked,

"How long till the transfer? I should have had this a long time ago!"

"Sir, the formation process will take 2 more days till completion. It should be much stronger and resilient by then."

"Good! No one stops till it's finished and in my chest cavity! Understand!"

They all replied, "Yes sir!"

He nodded, then turned and walked away to do who knows what.


The GPA was gearing up and so was her friends. New suits of the hero verity and weapons shaped or cleaned and loaded. They worked and worked, saving their energy for what was to come....


~To be continued in next chapter!~

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