Chapter 16: Change

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They had been staying there for a few weeks and had already progressed in their training. Ella wasn't allowed to participate by Torga's orders even though the others didn't want her fighting anyways.

She'd sit in the observation deck with Torga as they watched the Gang training down below in a holographic training room. She'd watch as Henry, Raven, James, Jason, and everyone else battling and learning how to work as a team.

Recently, Ella began to meet new friends, while still keeping the old ones of course. Everyone was nicer than she had expected; they would talk about things that interested her and the more she talked to them the more she understood about the world around her.

Henry kept his eyes on the holographic opponent in front of him, a duplicate had been created to test his skills. It knew more fighting styles than he did and it was slightly more agile.

They each had duplicates to deal with as a test of their teamwork. Though it was difficult to do at first as many conflicts arouse around who was actually in charge.

The 2 apprentices said they were in charge since they had more experience, Crystal said she was in charge cause (in her opinion) she was the best fighter.

On and on till finally Torga came downstairs, stopping the simulation and confronting the group.

"Everyone! Please! A group does not need a leader till it becomes a team. And this... This is not a team."

It took a while before they began to settle down but tentions were still high and they couldn't agree on much. But somehow, everyone saw one person to be different.

Ella was able to keep a secret and wouldn't tell a soul unless she got tickled too much. They treated her like their little sister, and she... Well she just wanted one thing.

A home.

She sat, watching them fighting over who was in charge for the ten billionth time, when something weird happened. She began to feel pain in her chest-

At first she figured it was her body fighting off the still present chemicals circulating throughout her bloodstream when suddenly she began to feel the same pain everywhere else.

She got Torga's attention and Torga called for Jason to take Ella to the medbay. The group stopped fighting and watched as she was taken away at a quick, yet safe pace.

For once they didn't fight and all went to see what was happening but got cut off by the assistant doctor who shoved Jason out the room as well.

They waited...
And waited......

Till finally they were allowed in.
She had morphed, changing to look more human than before. Her paws were gone, wings shrunk down, tail nearly disappeared..... And she was unconscious with an oxygen mask on.

Her hands had reformed, her spine was still re-creating itself back to human-like status. The group stood, watching as she stayed perfectly still, with only her now human lungs breathing and her heart beating on the monitor.

They knew they couldn't continue this pointless fight... Especially when everyone was told the reason the pain had started in her chest in the first place.

"Her powers seem to run off emotions around her. Also known as empathy. Her body changing seems to be because of her body fighting and destroying the chemicals but the reason she's unconscious is due to high levels of stress and other negative emotions from those she's close to."

They looked at each other as her silent breathing was haunting to their souls. It has clicked, they were hurting her. The whole reason she was unconscious was because of them.

They knew....
Things had to change.

(To be continued in chapter 17)

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