Chapter 10: Names

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The group had been there for a few days and 3114 had been enjoying her experience in the unfamiliar area. Though of course she was shy when meeting the people who live there. Everyone was kind and didn't want her or her friends to be worried about the safe haven around them.

But of course, 9583 felt something was wrong even when all signs said it was right. They were teaching the group fighting techniques in case they were hunted down again since 9583 and 6573 said they were going North to keep the evil organization away from the innocents who live in the great caverns around them.

As they all sat down for community supper, the old one, whom they met their first day, asked for their names. The 4 were confused, they didn't understand what she meant as for most of their lives they only went by numbers. 9583 explained this to the old one and everyone listened to the saddening fact.

She stroked her hair which was in a braid, thinking on what he said as the group saw everyone wasn't so glad to hear what he said. Then the old one spoke up, "So. Only thing you're called it by numbers? That is no life to live dear one. You have all proved yourselves to be good and your hearts full. It is time we give you a name."

The people were happy and the little ones excited at the chance to help the group pick their names. But 9583 wasn't sure about needing a new name but before he could state his thoughts completely 9520 quickly spoke up while his mouth was still full, "I think I want a name. Sick of being called by an experiment number ya know?"

9583 began to rethink his almost statement as 6573 spoke up about wanting to be called something normal for once. 3114 wasn't sure what they meant by "names". When they asked her answer was slightly different than their's.

While that was the "names" that they had for most of their lives, her numbers were the only thing she could remember being called. She couldn't remember ever not being called them.

It broke her friends hearts more than it could have ever broke everyone else listening in. The old one concluded that she had been raised in one of the facilities from an extremely young age and asked for a tech specialist looking guy to try and hack the files of the facility she originally was in before she was moved to the worse one.

9573 immediately asked how she'd know such a thing, as he was very suspicious of the whole "This is a safe haven" thing. She put it simply, "Dear, we were once experiments too. My blood was used as a healing agent in their little medical ward. I was used to help those who were willing to harm me. Do you believe I enjoyed the suffering I experienced? This place is made for safety, protected by an ancient stone that no bomb or special has gotten through. They won't even know we're here and I'll never let them in. If we can figure out how the facilities work... We can save so many lives. From the old to the young. Do you understand?"

Basically, they're more than just a haven, they're an army of good. And no amount of money or freedom offered could make them want to turn against their own kind. It was greatly reassuring but 9573 always had a doubt in the back of his mind.

The tech guy came back with a small viewing device and gave her an earbud. She put it in and played the video he was showing her..... She covered her mouth as if she saw something terrible, she shook her head with a sad expression on her face, "That is all I need to see. Thank you dear."

Her voice was.... sadder than before.... She couldn't stop thinking, rubbing her chin as she thought about what she had seen... The group was confused and asked what happened but she shook her head, "I'm not sure your ready dear ones... It is not easy to watch..."

3114 asked what she had seen... Ora sighed and sat up straighter than before, "Do you really wish to see that video?" They all 4 nodded, she sighed, "Tomorrow you will see it. For now we will talk about what you shall be known as from now on."

Days passed and people had written lists of male and female names for the 4 to look through so they could pick something for themselves. 9520 zipped past before 9573 could grab the papers from the man giving the lists over to them. 9573 of course was annoyed as 9520 casually began to look for himself a name.

He smiled, "That one! I wanna be called that!" 6583 looked at the paper, "Jazon?" He looked confused, "Is that how you say it?" 9573 snatched it away, "Let me see it.... It says Jason." The two let out an "Ooooooh-" as he kept looking, "This looks good for me."

They leaned over his shoulder like kids trying to read it out, "Jaymes?" Jason asked confused, "James...." He was starting to get slightly annoyed by their incapacity to pronounce the simple names given. 6573 watched as they then moved to the girls names list so 3114 and her could pick a name for themselves, at first, 6573 was gonna pick "Clacenta" but she could barely pronounce it.

Then he read off the word "Raven." Somehow, something told her it was familiar.... "I... I think I recognize that name. Do you think that was my name before I got used for experiments?" The boys believed it was a high possibility so she chose that name for herself. Hoping she was correct and that she might even remember something about her past.

3114 wasn't able to remember any and therefore didn't really know what would fit her. The old one asked why she didn't have a name picked at she simply said she didn't think anything clicked with her well.

The old one smiled, "Names have meanings. James means strong and powerful warrior. Raven means great heights and sight. Jason means agility and guardianship. What do you think you mean? What would define who you are?"

3114 wasn't sure, she definitely wasn't brave, she could only think of herself as being scared and shy. But the old one simply smiled, "What I've heard for the ones who found you in the woods... One of them said they could feel love and light coming from you...."

"What name would mean that..?" Raven asked confused as the old one answered, "Well, several actually. The least common one is Ella.... meaning 'One of light'. Perhaps it should be yours? After all... You light up your friends' worlds." Her old woman smile was enough to send a message to 3114 who smiled back, "Ya. It does kinda have a good ring to it. What do you guys think?"

The others agreed and so they were all renamed... James, Jason, Raven and Ella.... Finally.... One more thing from their past removed.... But still they asked themselves....

If they could kinda remember their past, as they knew they weren't entirely raised by the organization...

What about Ella?
~To be continued in chapter 11~

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