Ch 31: First Fight

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Picture of Ashley's outfit above ^
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I awoke the next morning with a smile on my face- well actually I awoke with droopy eyes and bed hair- but then the memories of yesterday flashed before my eyes and I couldn't help this goofy smile from appearing on my lips.
It had been somewhat awkward at first, keeping a few feet of distance between us as we talked.
The sound of the fish splashing in the stream occupying our awkward silences.
But slowly as the hours passed by, things started to take on a comfortable feel.

Once it started getting dark Damian had suggested we head inside. Somehow we ended up on a lawn chair by the pool with Damian's arms around me as I soaked in his delicious smell and warmth .
I smiled as I remembered shivering when a cold breeze blew my way, and Damian casually suggesting we cuddle to keep warm, like they tell you on those survival shows. Adding with a sly wink, that being in the nude increased our chances of survival- that is if we were in the antarctic, and human.
We spoke about anything and everything. It was as if he had never rejected me, as if we hadn't been avoiding each other for the past few months.
We just clicked, and it was unbelievable just how much we had in common. It became very evident just how perfect we were for one another.

I made myself stop day dreaming and get up to take a quick shower, before looking for something to wear.
Usually, I picked out my outfit the night before a school day so I was prepared for the next day. Unfortunately last night I had stayed up late, unable to sleep after my time spent with Damian.
I felt so bubbly and I couldn't seem to wipe this silly smile off my face.
In the back of my mind was the uncertainty that Damian might not accept me, but I pushed it back.
Last night as I lay recounting every surreal moment spent with Damian, I made a decision. A decision that I would do everything in my power to make Damian fall in love with me. Of course it wouldn't happen over night. I'd do it little by little , taking my time to imprint myself in his heart. When it came time to finally leave he wouldn't be able to without leaving a piece of his heart behind.

I decided to wear a white summer dress with roses on it. It reached mid thigh, cinching at the waist then flaring out. I blow dried my hair leaving it in its natural waves before adding a red cardigan to my outfit. Shoes wise I decided to wear some red flats, before I applied some eyeliner, mascara and finished it off with some clear lip gloss.
I took a final look in the mirror before grabbing my back pack and finally heading downstairs. I could already smell the delicious aroma of blueberry pancakes and bacon that came in the direction of the kitchen.
My wolf howled in excitement as we sensed Damian's presence nearby. She had of course been ecstatic to be on good terms with Damian. Suddenly my heart started beating rapidly and my hands began sweating. I took a second to regain my composure, before I walked in casually.

I was surprised to see everyone already eating breakfast, I must have taken a while to get dressed.
"Good morning." I said loudly.
Ash completely ignored me but Bailey sent me an apologetic smile. Raven seemed solemn as she picked at her waffles and Lance and Lindsey were no where in sight. My mother and Damian were talking animatedly as he flipped pancakes as she sipped coffee from a cup.
My breath caught in my throat as his eyes immediately rose to catch mine, his smile widening as if he couldn't control himself.
I was momentarily stunned, I wasn't used to seeing him smile towards me. I had become accustomed to seeing contempt and scowls aimed my way.
"Good morning honey you look beautiful!" My mom gave me a hug "I feel as if we never speak anymore."
Guilt filled me as I detected the underlying hurt beneath her attempt to joke.

"I see you every morning mom." I teased. "But I'm sure I can pencil you into my oh so busy schedule ."
"You're too much Ashley." Mom laughed before her eyes strayed past me her face lighting up.
"Good morning honey." My father gave my mom a quick kiss and before giving me peck on my forehead .
My gaze softened at the sight, my parents love towards each other had always been my inspiration. Unconsciously my eyes strayed to Damian, I hoped that one day that could be us.
Dad poured himself a cup of coffee as everyone returned their "Good morning."
"You have fifteen minutes or else you'll be late for school so hurry along." My mom placed a plate with pancakes, bacon and a cup of orange juice before me. "Raven honey, stop picking at your food."

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