Ch 65: Jealousy

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The warmth on my skin was the first thing I noticed. Next was the absolute silence.
My eyes fluttered open, cringing at the too bright sunlight flowing through the windows.
I basked in the warmth, something I hadn't felt in a long time.
    Sighing I made myself slowly sit up, wincing slightly as my back ached as if I'd been stuck in the same position for a long time.
I looked around, recognizing the room as the one I had occupied at my uncle Tyler's house.
I stared confused before my memories flashed before my eyes in a rapid sequence.
The ritual.
The unbearable pain I'd felt as I shifted for hours on end, so slowly, feeling my bones rearrange themselves. The pain so excruciating I thought I would pass out from the pain.
     I remember trying to focus on Damian the whole time, trying to drown the pain away in the blue of his eyes. Focusing on the strength that was being lent to me by my family and friends.
   I looked down at the palm of my hand, remembering the silver blade slicing my palm open. My blood poring into a goblet and soaking into the ground.

  The world had gone dark for a few minutes, before Id woken up to feel soft lips pressed against mine. My vision had been blurry, but I could slightly make out his form. Damian. His face had been scrunched in worry, and I'd attempted to tell him I everything was going to be fine but I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer.
      That was the last thing I remembered.
I jumped slightly when there was a loud knock at the door.
"Come in." I called out, my voice raspy to my ears.
The door opened slightly to reveal Dante, I was slightly disappointed to see it wasn't Damian but I tried to hide it with a smile.
Of course he could feel my emotions.
   "Don't look so disappointed, love." Dante chuckled, closing the door behind him. In his hands he had a coffee cup and water that he set on the bedside table before settling down on the chair near the bed.
His blue eyes looked me up from head to toe, before his lips turned up in a smile.
"You're looking better. Water or coffee ?" He asked.
   "W-water." I cleared my throat that felt scratchy and sounded even worse.
Dante handed me the cold water bottle before taking a sip of the coffee, vanilla coffee I assumed since he and I had the same taste in coffee.
   I let my eyes take in his form, rumpled grey t shirt and black jeans. Slightly wet hair as if he had just taken a shower and slight dark circles beneath his eyes.
"I felt you wake up. I was beginning to think you'd never wake up." His eyes held concern in them. "How're you feeling?"
"I feel good, a slight aching back but other than that amazing. Better than I've felt in months." I replied giving him a reassuring smile.

"That's great." He let out a sigh of relief before he set his coffee on the table. I scooted over slightly as he fit his large form on the queen sized bed. I smiled as he wrapped his arms around me and dragged me to him. I winced slightly but wrapped my arms around him and laid my head on his chest, feeling the steady beating of his heart.
"You have no idea how scared I was, how useless I felt just watching you go through that-"
"You went trough it too ." I reminded him.
He pulled away slightly, his strong arm still around my waist.
"I could feel what you were feeling, what we were feeling was nothing compared to what you felt. You were already weak, so it was a lot more painful for you. I'm just sorry that I couldn't do anything else, I'm supposed to protect you-" his voice cracked with emotion and I could see it in his eyes and face just how much guilt he was holding on his shoulders.
I cupped his slightly stubbled cheek, trying to convey through my eyes that I was fine.
"There is nothing you could have done, this needed to be done. To finally end this curse once and for all. I would do it all again if I knew that my baby girl and future generations didn't have to go through this. You have absolutely nothing to feel guilty about, and don't deny it I can see it written all over your face not to mention I can feel it."
His lips quirked up slightly.
"Have I ever told you, I love you ? "
"I love you too." I laughed before a cough racked through my body.
Dante grimaced before handing me the water bottle.

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