Ch 37: Dummy #2

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Ch 37: Dummy #2


I laid in bed watching catfish, the show was so intriguing to me . How could you possibly not know something was up at first when the person on the other end refused to oovoo or Skype? It was pretty obvious they we're hiding something.
They'd know if they we're werewolves, I thought.

My eyes drifted once more to my Iphone. I sighed as I clicked on the on the button a picture of Damian and I kissing as my front wallpaper. I had taken this on our second month anniversary, he had taken me laser tagging and later on for some dip and dots. Damian sure knew how to take me on exciting and memorable dates.
Two and a half months together and we spent almost every waking moment together. It was currently a Sunday and he had gone into the city with a majority of our friends. Only Ash had decided to stay behind to help with the gym building , as well as me. It was my time of the month and it felt like a stay-indoors-and-watch-Netflix-all-day kinda day. We'd been texting the majority of the time but now he was taking his sweet time.

"Ashley downstairs in my office." I was surprised to hear my fathers voice in my head.
His voice sounded strained but I might have imagined it.
I put pause on the remote before reluctantly getting out of bed.
As I made my way downstairs I wondered why he needed me.
"Come in." He called.
As I walked in I couldn't help but remember the day my father had almost discovered that Damian and I we're mates.

Not even a few seconds later did someone else open the door.
And in walked Ash.
"Sit." My father instructed.
Oh no, I silently thought. He told dad.
"I brought you two in here to discuss some issues we've been having."
I sat in the chair across from my fathers desk, trying to figure out why exactly he had called me in here.
I had a pretty good idea, seeing as Ash sat beside me.
I clasped my hands tightly together, stopping my hands from shaking.

My father was the only one who could get me this nervous. I was a daddy's girl and I always did everything in my power to please him. I hated letting my father down, and if he knew that I had kept this secret from him he'd be beyond disappointed.
"Does this have to do with the recent rouge problem we've been having? " Ash's knees kept bouncing up and down - his tell tell sign that he was nervous as well. So he didn't know what this meeting was about either."if so then this really doesn't concern Ashley."

That would forever bother me. Why weren't the women allowed to know about the pack affairs?
Dad took a deep breath before leaning forward his hands clasped tightly in front of him.
An air of seriousness about him, something I rarely ever saw. I was always used to seeing the teasing side of him.
"Yes this does have to do with the rouges and it also involves Ashley. "
On one part I was relieved that this meeting had nothing to do with my sudden estrangemt from Ash.

"What do I have to do with this? " my eyebrow scrunched in confusion .
As far as I knew Damian had said that all perimeter patrols had been increased and that he thought there was a mole amongst the pack.
"This has to do with both of you actually." Dads blue eyes went from Ash to me "You two know about the dummy situation. Well the poem made it pretty clear that we had a mole amongst ourselves or that one of us is in danger. "

"I hope you're not implying what I think you're implying." Ash growled, standing up from his chair.
He started to pace around while I took in what my father was saying.
"Look we don't know for sure. Either way I have Nate, looking into the situation. If that was a threat to my family then I want to know."
Nate, the best private investigator we had. Which means he did think someone from here was giving information to the rogues.
"But I'm also going to investigate the possibility that we may have a mole amongst us. We never had these issues until the new members joined the pack."
"We've always had rogue problems dad." I interjected standing up as well.
What he was implying I didn't like one bit.

"Yes but they've never been this extreme." My father ran a hand through his brown hair before looking us straight in the eyes "I know you don't like what I'm implying that either Bailey or Damian might be the moles. But I need you to understand that I'm taking up all the precautions I can to protect my family and pack. We may have a mole amongst the pack and I intend to find out who it is. From now on I expect you to keep a vigilant eye on the new members and to keep this meeting to yourselves."

"Baily isn't the mole." Ash spat before stalking away, turning back as he reached the door. He was beyond angry at this point. "And you should be ashamed at yourself for even thinking that."
Then the door was loudly slammed.
The sound echoed throughout the room for a few seconds before it was silent once more.
"Baby, you understand don't you?" My dads words reached my ear and I turned to face him.
He looked at me expectantly, a frown on his face.

No matter what he was a father above an Alpha. He wanted to protect his family and I couldn't hold that against him.
"I understand daddy." I sighed "It doesn't make it any easier though."
I opened the door and looked back at my father.
"I love you daddy." I said.
"Love you baby doll." He said back, a slight smile appearing.
Then I closed the door.
A weight seemed to be on my shoulders as of now.

How was I supposed to keep it away from Damian that my father thought he was a mole when we promised no more secrets?
Just as I reached the stairs a loud commotion caught my attention.
"Rouge! " the loud yell had me freezing in my spot.
My father ran out of his office shifting into his black wolf once he opened the door.
I stood frozen for a second before I shifted and followed closely behind him.
"Ashley stay back!" He growled "it could be dangerous."
But I refused to stay behind and he didn't bother to order me around again. Dad knew just how stubborn I could be.

A few minutes later we spotted a group of wolves gathered around something.
I recognized Aaron's auburn wolf and Ash's black wolf immediately. Ash seemed to have something in his mouth .
"Make way." My father growled and a path was made immediately.
As I neared I realized what Ash had in his mouth was indeed the arm of a very small child. She looked to be no older than ten years old, her brown hair matted to her face where blood seeped from her head . This explained why the rouges entering our territory had no scent. Werewolf children didn't get their scent until they reached fifteen, the age where they we're able to defend themselves. She looked even more frightened as my father approached her.

" I don't know how she managed to get in Alpha." Aaron spoke "but as I was doing my rounds I found her tying up this to the tree."
His snout pointed to a tree behind us and then I saw it. Another dummy.
"Throw her down in the cell for questioning." My father sneered disgustingly at the rouge.
The rouge wimpered as my brothers jaw tightened on her arm. He let go as he started nudging her forward. A group of wolves stood on either side of her making sure she had no way to escape.
As they walked away a white wolf walked up.
My mother.

"What does it say? " her voice trembled with fright.
From what I knew my mother was terrified of rouges, due to some past experience.
My eyes once more returned to the dummy that swayed with the light breeze.
My father reached up on his hand legs and yanked it off the tree till it lay on the ground before us.
A knife was stabbed in the plastic face, a picture of Ash and I as little children.
The date beneath it was dated back to when Ash and I were four years old.

My heart quickened in fright as I read the blood red words.
"Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Their blood will be shed,
And it's all because of you."
All I could hear was the roar in my ears, the world disappearing before me all but the red words jumping out at me.
They we're threatening Ash and me.
But why?
The words were gone in an instant, something black blocking it.
"Ashley!" The words snapped me out of my trance.
I looked up to find Damian before me, a look of concern on his face. I was still in wolf form, I realized.

"Are you okay ?" He asked.
"How'd you get here so fast ?" I asked through our mind link, suspicion creeping into my voice.
His eyebrows crinkled in confusion.
"Dante said you we're giving off some mixed emotions and that he was worried. So we headed back and here we are. Are you okay? Don't be scared. I won't let nothing happen to you. "
Stupid, I reprimanded myself. Damian was just worried. He's not the mole. He's not the mole. I chanted it through my head. It was just a coincidence that he was out while the rogue had trespassed on our territory.
"Babe? " his worried voice brought me out of my thoughts once more. "You believe me right? "
He's not the mole, he can't be the mole.

I took in his handsome face, his full lips that I loved spending hours kissing.
His eyes, so expressive and beautiful. He had a kind heart and compassionate nature.
He couldn't possibly be the mole.
I leaned against his body, his body heat warming up my suddenly chilled body.
"Yes I believe you." I whispered.
I looked around me, at the horrified and worried faces of my pack.
My life was now in danger and my father thought my boyfriend was giving out information to the rouges. "I have a bad feeling." My wolf whispered.
"Me too." I whispered back.
Something bad was brewing in the air, I could feel it.

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