Chapter 47: Graduation Day

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Authors Note : I am currently writing this chapter while I am stuck at a circle k with my car broken down. I have been stranded here for an hour now with my phone  dead and my iPad just happened to be in my sons diaper bag. So with nothing to do but hear my boyfriend cursing every curse word known to man, I decided to finally write this long over due chapter . My son is currently crawling all over me screaming out the window and waving at random strangers. So here it is, love you all

Update: It took me a while to upload because I had to go back and review and add things. Almost 6.000 words. Wow. I hope you enjoy, I've had writers block so it has taken me a while to upload. I apologize for the delay.


P.S. The graduation scene in the chapter shows exactly how my graduation was. It was an exciting day, such a big moment in my life. I graduated June 3, 2014 at 3-4 months pregnant, you can kind of tell in the photo above(the guy is my fiance Nick). I graduated with a 4. 3 GPA with the Honors cord, the Beta Club cord, the National Honors Society stole(the white thing around my neck), and the Laurent Clerc Medal( for being in American Sign Language for 4 years). It was a pretty amazing day, I was the first in my family to graduate.


I absolutely hated them.
I wanted to throttle the man who had invented these useless men's garment whose only function was to dangle around your neck .
With a sigh of exasperation I flung the damned thing onto my bed, and look at myself in the mirror again. I decide to just open up a few buttons on my white button up shirt and roll up my sleeves. My black suit pants clung to my thighs, my shoes black and shiny. I decided against the black suit jacket and put my arms into the black gown. Graduation gown to be exact.
Today I would walk across the stage and receive my diploma.
Today would be my last day on Moonlight Territory.
  It had been exactly a week and five days since Ashley's rescue. After Ashley somehow miraculously gave Dante her remaining energy she had passed out and shifted into her wolf form. A few days later she awoke but only to discover that Lee had taken over. She refused to give Ashley back control until she felt she was able to "protect herself".
And so began two weeks of Lee growling and snapping at anyone who came near Ashley, including me. The day I found Ashley bleeding and broken was the day I knew couldn't do it, I couldn't stay here any longer. I had let the rouges get their hands on Ashley and for that I could never forgive myself . I had let it happen again.

  I heard a horn blare outside, bringing me out of my thoughts.
  I didn't bother to zip up the gown as I grabbed my cap and ran outside.
A black suburban awaited me, my father behind the wheel.

"My son finally graduating." he shook his head as if he couldn't quiet wrap his head around it.

"Dont start getting emotional on me, old man." I teased.

He laid his hand on my shoulder and held it there with a smile on his face. He finally cleared his throat and started the car.

Middleton High schools graduation was being held in the city. A few days ago we had practiced repeatedly our entering and exiting with the constant complains of everyone.

Parents sat in the bleachers with cameras ready to capture their son or daughters big moment, while the younger children ran around playing tag with the other kids .

I caught sight of my group by the bleachers all donned in the same black graduation gown. I introduced my father and watched with fondness as they instantly lightened up to him. My father could be an intimidating man but underneath he was soft.

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