Ch 41: Prom

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Ch 41:Prom

( Ashleys dress up above )


I stared at myself in the mirror, noticing how the concealer wasn't doing a very good job at hiding the bags beneath my eyes.
Today would mark two weeks that I had broken up with Damian. Two weeks. fourteen days. three hundred thirty-six hours to be exact.
I had spent those two weeks holed up in my room crying my eyes out until I couldn't cry anymore.
Then afterwards I would just lay there and stare at the wall wondering what I had done wrong. Eventually Raven had forced me out.

My thoughts had consumed me. Had I been doing a horrible job at being a girlfriend and mate ?
Did all my teasing drive Damian to take out his sexual frustration on someone else ?
I was to the point where I wanted to crawl back and to just wipe the slate clean and start anew. But I couldn't make myself stoop that low.
I wouldn't be one of those girls who thought they couldn't live without a guy. Who would just forgive and forget everything just to make the relationship work.
No, what Damian did was unforgivable.

Yes, he had slept with Raven but neither one knew at that moment that we were mates. He had slept with Lindsey but that had been before I knew him. But Peyton ? My warriors mate. He knew we were mates, he knew it would hurt like hell.
He had tried to sleep with Peyton and that was something I couldn't forgive.
Because he knew, even though I had never said it outloud, that I loved him. He knew that I couldn't bear it if he hurt me again.
He'd said he loved me, the words kept replaying in my mind. He sounded so sincere and desperate for me to believe him. He was such a good actor, I thought spiteful.

He had played me for a fool but I was the one who had allowed it in the first place. He asked me if I was willing to give it all a try and I had stupidly said yes. I was the one who had put myself in this predicament to begin with.
In the end it was all my fault. For maybe not being the best mate. For not filling all his needs. But we had spoken of this and he had agreed to wait. So what had I done to deserve this betrayal ? I wondered for the hundredth time.
I couldn't even talk to Dante or Peyton without feeling ashamed. My mate was the one who had forced himself on her, and Dante was my warrior who had failed to protect his mate. I knew how he must feel, he hated Damian now with a passion.

And no matter what, I couldn't hate him. And that only made me feel worse.
I felt like I was betraying my friends. Raven and Lindsey were the only ones who were in neutral grounds. They believed there was more to the story, which they had voiced outloud, causing Peyton to run out of the room crying. The look Dante sent them would have you peeing your pants on the spot.
The only good thing that came out of this was the fact that Ash now spoke to me. Which irritated me, to no end.
But although I was angry that he chose this exact moment I couldn't have been happier. I had missed my twin. He had hugged me and let me cry on his shoulder, promising that everything would be fine in the end.

I didn't belive him but I had nodded anyways.
Damian had moved out that same day and he had spent nearly a week trying to contact me through mind-link until he finally gave up.
The stares I received at school is what killed me. They looked at me as if I had lost my parents and needed to be cautious around me or else I'd burst into tears. I knew I looked like shit, but I didnt care.
Aaron had tried to speak to me, even asking me to Prom.
On a whim to get back at Damian I had agreed.

And here I was, May 23 on a saturday getting ready for Prom.
"I'm almost done." Raven said.
With all my troubled thoughts I'd forgotten that Raven had spent the past fifteen minutes doing my hair.
"There, finished. What do you think ?" she smiled widely.
I stared at myself in the mirror, she had put my hair up in an elegant updo with some curls framing my face.
"It's beautiful." I said in awe "Thank you."
Her face turned a pretty pink before she shooed me off my chair.
"Hurry up and put on your dress, the limo should be here anytime soon."
At the mention of the limo I tensed up. Damian would be ther since we had all chipped in for the black hummer limo we rented.

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