Ch 50: Amsterdam

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Authors Note: I thought it was about time there was a chapter in Damian's P.O.V. & guys don't hate on Ashley or Damian. They each have their own flaws, they deal with problems in different ways. Damian runs from his problems, while Ashley deals in her own way   - Allie





I smashed a pillow over my head trying to tune out the blaring  ringing of the phone. I sighed in relief as the phone stopped, the room falling into silence. 

Then it started ringing again. 

I grudgingly reached over,  trying to find the phone. I tipped over a few cans in the process, wincing at the sound of  beer spilling onto the floor. I finally wrapped my hand around the cool plastic and placed the receiver near my ear. 

"Hello?" I grumbled, pulling the blanket over my head trying to block out the sunlight. I could hear the sounds of chattering people and cars passing by down below. 

"Damian ?" I pulled the phone away from my ear hearing my fathers booming voice on the other side.

"Can you not talk so loud?" I groaned. My throat felt dry and there was a constant throbbing at my temples. 

"Are you hungover?" he yelled.

I winced again. This man did not listen well.

"Dammit Damian, answer me!" More yelling from his part. 

I sighed as I sat up in bed slowly. My body ached. 

"I may have drunk a little last night ." I replied, my eyes still tightly closed. This bright sunlight wasn't helping the situation. 

I heard him sigh on the other line. A sigh full of fatigue. 

"Where are you ?" he asked, more calmly now.

I looked around at the trashed hotel room, and grimaced. I didn't remember much of last night. I didn't even know what time I had come back from the pub. The clock on the side table read 7 a.m. I counted backwards in my head. It was 11 in California. Why was he up so late ?

 "What does it matter anyhow?"" I finally answered. I hadn't spoken to my father in nearly five months, when I had made it a point to go off the grid. I was surprised he even found me. Especially when I was trying not to be found.

"It maters!" He said, his voice getting louder by the second "Its been five months Damian. You've neglected your Alpha training and now your schools called wondering if you were attending this year." 

I cursed as I remembered that I had applied for college in California months ago. 

"Lets get one thing straight Damian, I let you wallow in your self pity, but not any longer.  You're coming home and that's that. You have responsibilities and you will take care of them. You brought this upon yourself Damian, so deal with the consequences. " the line went dead. 

I  laid back down, putting the phone back in its cradle.

I was being forced home. 

Even though I knew my father was correct I resented him for making me go home. I could always hop onto the next plane and be in Australia or New Zealand, but then I would just continue running. Just as I had been doing, in more han one way. 

These past few months I've drunk myself every night until I couldn't even remember my name. There were times were I would try to hook up with some girls but as soon as I brought them into the room, I would kick them right out. 

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