Ch 67: I Do

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The day was finally here.
The day my brother would be get married to the love of his life.
The morning was peaceful, I could hear the birds chirping happily outside.
It didn't last long.
  Before long there was a loud knock on the door.
"Uh- Ashley you should get out here pronto." Damian's panicked voice sounded from the other side of the door.
That doesn't sound good, I thought.
  Four heads popped out from different areas of the room. I was the first out of the room, quickly followed by the rest of the girls and Alissa who my mother had made us invite to our sleepover last night. I wasn't too happy about that.
   Damian stood right outside the game room which we had converted into the planning room for the wedding. Ashton, Damian and the rest of the guys stood just outside the door looking panicked.
Then I heard the sobbing.
Oh no.
I shooed them away, Ashton leaving relunctantly. I could see the beginning of doubt forming in his eyes. That wasn't good.
  I attempted to open the door only for it to be locked.
"Bailey, sweetheart can you please open up ? " I asked. The door clicked opened moments later. I opened it only to find Bailey sat in the middle of the room in her undergarments her eyes red from crying.
   Of course I was used to all of Bailey's emotional moments, add pregnancy hormones and the stress of the wedding it was inevitable.
But this time it was as if someone had died and for a second I worried if she was getting cold feet.
   "It's torn ." She sobbed.
"What's torn  ?" I asked, dreading the answer. It was then that I noticed her wedding dress clutched tightly in her hands.
"I woke up this morning and I wanted to try on my dress. I went to put it on and I was having a bit of trouble buttoning it up. I accidentally yanked at it and I ripped the material." She let out a strangled cry throwing her arms around me. "How am I supposed to get married ?"
I patted her back soothingly, my mind already searching for a solution. I was the maid of honor and it was my duty to make sure that this day turned out perfect.
   I pulled away and looked down at my phone. It was 9:45 a.m the wedding began at 2:00 p.m.
I had five hours to fix this.
"Alright sweety, this is how it's going to go. First we're going to go eat some breakfast."
   I turned to my still somewhat asleep friends. Allissa just looked annoyed.
" Afterwards you girls are going to take Bailey to relax. Get a mani, a pedi, massage. All that good stuff."

  I turned back to Bailey
"You're going to relax and leave everything to me okay ."
   She pulled away, sniffling but nodded throwing her arms around me which I gladly returned.
"Thank you. I knew I could count on you."
"Wait here for a sec." I got up and went in search of the guys. I walked down the hall where I could hear muffled voices in Ashton's room.
I knocked and the voices died down before the door opened.
Dante let out a sigh of relief.
"Thank god you're here. Your brother is losing his marbles."
I walked in and sure enough Ashton looked like a mess. He was pacing his room, his hands running through his already disheveled hair. Lance and Damian, along with the twins sat on his bed as he continued to  paced.
"What's going on ?" I asked .
"Your twin is having a mental breakdown." Lance rolled his eyes.
"I'm not." Ashton snapped and sighed "I'm just a little anxious."
"About what exactly ?"
"What if Bailey changes her mind. I mean what if she doesn't want to marry me. I know I can be an asshole sometimes but would she really still marry me? She was crying not that long ago. What if-"
I walked up to him and slapped him.

His eyes widened in surprise, his mouth gaping open.
The rest of the guys had the same expression before they burst into laughter that immediately quieted down with a stern glare.
I turned back to my gaping twin.
  "Bailey loves you, now calm the fuck down because today is your wedding day. I'm already dealing with an anxious bride who accidentally ripped the back of her dress, the last thing I need is a nervous groom. Now calm down, Bailey loves you and wants nothing more than to be Mrs. Ashton Wayne."
Ashton blinked a few times before nodding slowly.
"Thanks, I needed that."
I wrapped my arms around him in a tight hug.
"My little brothers growing up." I teased.
"I'm older." He grumbled but when he pulled away he was grinning "Thanks Ashley. How is she ?"
"She's going to be okay. We're heading off to breakfast then find a tailor before getting a massage from a sexy masseus." I laughed at Ashton's instant scowl "Just messing with you."
"Haha " he rolled his eyes.
"Well off I go ."
With a quick kiss to Damian and the twins I was out of there.
Soon enough we were dressed and out of the house.
We ate breakfast before I began calling all the tailors I could get ahold of. Luckily one was available and we all piled into a truck. The tailor looked at the dress a frown on her lips. She examined the torn material before taking me over to another room.

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