Ch 36: One Month Anniversary

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Ch 36: One Month Anniversary

Ashley :

"Do you think he forgot ?" Raven asked, sipping on a strawberry banana smoothie.
"He couldn't have possibly forgotten." Peyton chimed in.
"If he did I'll personally beat him up for you." Lindsey added while Bailey nodded in agreement.
We were currently at the mall, having some girl time away from the guys.
Today was Damian and I's one month together and we were currently discussing if Damian had forgotten about it.
It was already mid-day and I hadn't heard one word from him, except to tell me to buy a bikini that covers me up so no one else would look at me.
Apparently the guys were getting everything ready for the beach but I knew it had something to do with the rogues. I had heard some of the warriors on duty whispering about more rouge sighting and dad was usually holed up in his office with his council members.
"Maybe he's just waiting to surprise you ?" Lindsey said "He's never had a girlfriend so you kind of have to understand that he's not used to all of this."

Ever since that whole incident with Lance and Damian things were kind of awkward between us till one day she grabbed me and took me out to the gym downstairs.
Throughout the years my father had been keeping up with the time and started building little cottages out in the woods for those wolves who wanted to live alone. He had started building a gym- that was yet to be completed- in its own building outside so most wolves still came here to work out.
My mind flashed back to that day:
I almost face planted on the mats as she pushed me in roughly.
"Are you intentionally trying to piss me off ?" I had snapped.
A smug smirk appeared as she threw a pair of UFC gloves at me almost hitting me in the face.
My hand caught them an inch away.
"Maybe, is it working ?"
"Yes." I scowled "What are these for ?"
She walked up, a white towel around her neck.
"Hit me."
My eyebrows scrunched in confusion.
"Yeah you heard me correctly, hit me."
"Why ?" I warily held the gloves a way from me, as if they were poisonous.
"C'mon" she rolled her green eyes "I know you want to hit me. You're upset and you're just keeping it all bottled in and that's not healthy. You have a right to be upset, so take out all your anger on me."
I took in her words before slowly sliding the gloves on.
"One right on the cheek." She turned her cheek my way and closed her eyes.

I took a moment to study her profile, wondering if I was really going to punch her for something that had happened years ago.
Its not like he knew me at the time, and its not like Lindsey was the only one he slept with.
"Are you-" she opened her eyes slightly before my hands suddenly had a mind of their own as I punched her in the jaw and upper cutted her so she landed on the mat.
"Oh fuck!" She held her nose in her hands as she cursed. "I didn't think you'd actually do it."
I couldn't help but laugh, at her shocked face.
She glared playfully as she wiped the towel on her lip to stop the bleeding.
"You hit like a dude, I hope you know that." she groaned, as I helped her up.
She held out her hand, her eyes shining with mirth.
"I hope we're even now ?"
"We're even" I clasped her hand firmly and shook it.
After that we decided to workout for a bit and get better reacquainted.
"Earth to Ashley !" Lindsey waved a hand in front of my face face that I swatted away.
"Either way, Damian should remember every month anniversary." Raven rolled her eyes.
"You know what, I don't even want to talk about it." my smoothie had already lost its appeal.
"You know what always makes a girl happy ?" Bailey asked, with a pearly smile.
"Shopping!" we all shouted earning a few glances from people nearby.
We threw our smoothies away before heading to Victoria Secret for some bathing suits and etc.

"Maybe you should get something sexy for tonight ." Lindsey winked throwing a bright pink thong at me.
I sent her a glare putting it back in its place.
"None of that."
"So you two haven't ...?" Baileys face turned bright pink
"Are you asking about my sex life Mrs. Luna." I asked in mock astonishment.
She swatted at me playfully.
"C'mon you're mates, don't tell me you haven't had the urge too." Peyton frowned "I mean I couldn't even last an hour without wanting to shove Dante up against a wall and have my way with him."
Peyton had definitely come out of her shell the past few weeks.
She and Bailey had come out of their shy shells and here they were, being perverts.
"I was the same, Ash is so yumm." Bailey bit her bottom lip and rolled her eyes upwards.

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