Authors Note:

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Authors Note:

And so His Cursed Mate has come to an ending. It is such a bittersweet moment, knowing I have finished my second book. It took a long time to complete, longer than I expected honesty. But I'm proud of the finished outcome, although this story will be rewritten in the future.
For now I would like to say thank you to all those who supported me and who continued to read my story although it took a long time. To those who gave it a chance thank you. I appreciate and love ever single one of my readers.
So to end this story once and for all I left it with a cliffhanger, that leads into the third installment of the Moonlight series. (Although can I call it a series ? More like a spin off I suppose.)
In the third installment you will follow Raven through the journey of the thin line between love and hate. In which she finds out her mate is in fact a vampire, and not just any vampire. But the heir to the Vampire King Throne. Wars will begin. Lives will be lost. And so begins the battle of a lifetime, to choose between revenge or the love of the woman destined by the fates to be yours ?

With much love, I thank you once more for following me through this long journey to complete His Cursed Mate.
I will do something different this time, drop some questions you would like myself or the characters to answer. I will gladly answer them.
No question is too personal, so you may ask about me, my interests etc.

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