Ch 56: Operation; Win Ashley back

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"I'm heading out in a little bit." I looked up from the television as Ashley spoke up. Truth be told I wasn't even paying attention to the tv, I couldn't , not when Ashley was here smelling as delicious as ever.
     "Where to?" I asked casually as I flipped through the channels trying to keep occupied . Trying not to seem like I cared too much.
"Grayson is taking me and the kids out to chuck e cheese." She replied and my hand fisted around the controller "Can you help me get things ready ?"
  I got up and followed her into the nursery.
This is how things had become. We spoke only when it was necessary and it was always very strained. It had been a month of this going on and it was driving me crazy.
   Once inside the nursery I helped restock the diaper bag with enough diapers and wipes, throwing in a couple of burp clothes, extra clothing and a full can of milk.
I stooped to pick up Micah from inside his playard where he was busy playing with his toys. I smiled softly as his face lit up into a big smile. In this month I had spent as much time as possible with my children, taking them out to the park or just staying in and playing with them. It warmed my heart to know that slowly but surely they were beginning to depend on me and love me.
    I opened up the small closet where his clothes were hung up and I looked for a pair of tan cargo shorts and a black shirt with blue letter that said "If you think I'm handsome you should see my daddy." I paired it up with some black converse and brushed his hair back.

I looked up and saw that Ashley had dressed Madison in a pink dress with white and yellow flowers along with pink sandals. Her hair hung down to her shoulders, with a pink flower in her hair.
"Look at my beautiful baby girl." I cooed as Ashley handed over Madison. She giggled and yanked at my hair. I winced and gently untangled her firm grip from my hair. She loved yanking on my hair.
   I looked up to find Ashley smiling gently as she held Micah on her hip. My lips turned up into a smile.
    The door bell rang and Ashley looked away walking out of the room. My smile disappeared as soon as I saw Grayson kiss her on the lips and reached for Micah. I had to grit my teeth from growling at him.
   I hated seeing him around my children. I hated seeing him around Ashley. I just hated his guts.
"Blackwoods." Grayson nodded his head my way.
      I ignored him feeling Ashley's angry glare aimed my way.
Honestly what did she expect from me. I didn't like the guy and I wasn't gonna attempt to be civil with him.
"You ready to go ?" I heard him ask her as she walked up to me and reached for  Maddy.

"I got her." My voice came out harsher than intended but I was already in a bad mood. I walked past Grayson and towards his car, opening the right side door.
"Hey, Damian." Issac said with a big smile. He sat in the back seat in between the two car seats that Grayson had bought. Another thing that bugged me. He had traded in his jeep for a "family car" and had bought car seats and all sorts of other baby things. He acted as if he was my children's step father or something and I hated it.
  "Hey little man." I raised my hand for a fist bump and Issac eagerly returned the bump "You excited for Chuck e cheese ?"
   I strapped Madison while he spoke about all the rides that he was excited about and how last time he had taken pictures with Madison and Micah in the little photo booth.
   I smiled the whole time watching him bounce up and down in the seat, a big smile on his face.
He really was a cute kid with floppy brown hair and big grey eyes and he absolutely adored his niece and nephew.

   "Take pictures with the twins will ya ? I would love to hang them on the refrigerator."
" Okay !" He nodded eagerly as the door opened to reveal Ashley who then strapped in Micah. I could hear Grayson in the trunk most likely  putting the double stroller in the back.
     "Have fun little man, take care of your sister for me." I winked at him and he  winked back.
We had an understanding between us. When I asked him to take care of Ashley he knew it meant to make sure to interfere with Ashley and Grayson, keeping her occupied so she hardly had alone time with him.
  I could tell the kid looked up to me and it made my heart soar. To know that atleast he was on my side while everyone else seemed to make it a point to leave me out of things and give me the cold shoulder.
    I gave Madison a kiss before closing the door behind me. I went to the other side and gave Micah a kiss before closing the door.
"Have fun." I forced a smile as I walked back into the house without a backwards glance.
   The house felt empty and cold as I sat down on the couch. It was quiet depressing but I had become quiet used to it.
My father had gone back home two weeks ago with a promise to visit soon to see the progress on mine and Ashley's relationship.
  But there was no progress.

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