Ch 35: Training Drama

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Ch 35: Training Drama

Damian :

After the dummy incident all patrols on the perimeter line had been tripled.     The best pack trackers couldn't follow the rouge scent and that only managed to intensify the stress.
   We had no clue  how the rogues had managed to get on Moonlight territory, their scent seemed to vanish into thin air.
   Those blood red words kept flashing through my mind, "...the ones you should watch, are the ones closest to you."

Did that mean that we had a mole amongst the pack ? Either way I was positive Alpha Chris would get to the bottom of it.  Since patrols had increased, that meant I hardly had time to spend with Ashley.
   That only managed to put my wolf on edge, not being near our mate.
Just as we were becoming closer, there wasn't a moment when I didn't want to be near her.
  I knew that would cause problems in the near future, when graduation came I wouldn't know what to do.

On one part I couldn't leave my past where it belonged-in the past. Instead I had let it define who I had become today.
  But there was this part that couldnt imagine my life without Ashley.
I could picture our life already, happily married with little pups running around. In a sense I craved it.
"Everyone meet in the clearing for pack training." The voice of Alpha Chris resonated through my head.
    I sighed as I threw on some shorts and my nike shocks before heading outside.

This was the only time I ever really got to see Ashley, other than during class and lunch.
    I though back to the day I had officially announced Ashley as my girlfriend as I introduced her to my table with the whole school watching.
  Karla and Zoey had of course not taken the news lightly when they made some snide remark about Ashley being desperate for my attention. They had immediately shut up when I'd come to her defense, leaving the table with a scowl.
Of course that didn't stop either one of them from trying something.
  "Hurry up man, you know how the Alpha wants us to be on time." My friend Tyler came up, his attire similar to mine. Bare chested and with only shorts and athletic shoes. "You know how Alphas can be."
  I punched his arm just as we made it to the clearing. The unfinished gym stood not so far away to our right.
  Farther away we're the children who we're being taught by the pack trainers assistant Coby. The women we're being taught by Dante and the men by the pack trainer Brent .
I hated being further away from Ashley due to the grouping.
   My eyes instantly zeroed in on Ashley who stood like twenty feet away.
She had her hair up in a high ponytail a pink nike headband on her head. She threw her head back as she laughed at something Raven had said.
   I was once again taken back at how uniquely beautiful she was. I was truly blessed to have the moon goddess choose her as my mate. I felt a tingling start in my jaw and I had to clench my jaw tightly.
Lately my wolf had been bugging me to mark Ashley but I knew that neither of us was ready for that step. Shoot we hadn't even kissed yet yet alone taken that big of a step.
   I had  to restrain myself from throwing her over my shoulder and demanding she change  as I took in her attire. She wore nothing but a pink sports bra and some tight work out pants and pink running shoes. She had a flat toned stomach that many women would die for and long toned legs.
  "Ashley! " the words snapped me out of my trance as I watched Aaron walk up to Ashley.
  Somewhere along the way Raven had walked away.

   I tried not to let it bother me as he wrapped her up in a hug. Or when he took a little too long to pull away.  I didn't want to seem as an over jealous boyfriend, so I tried not to listen in to their conversation.
  "We should get together some time.'' is all I heard before my legs started marching over there.
I slid my arm around her tiny waist, earning an arched eyebrow by Aaron.
  "Yeah I'd like that." Ashley said beside me, my hand tightening on her hip. 
"Alright well you have my number." He nodded my way before turning on his heel and walking away.
I couldn't help the smirk that escaped, seeing that tick in his jaw start.
"Seriously? " Ashley scoffed before pulling away from me.
  She made it only a few feet away before I'd backed her up against a tree.
"Damian stop." Her pretty lips pouted "That was rude and unnecessary. "
    "He hugged you." I couldn't help the jealousy from seeping through.
"Babe." She laid her hand on my cheek and my body relaxed immediately "It was just a hug."
"You're not going to hang out with him." Her head back lashed a look of disbelief on her face.
"We're mates Damian, you're not my owner. You don't tell me who I can and can't hang out with."
  "Yet I can't hang out with Zoey or Karla." I regretted it as soon as the words left my mouth. "I'm sorry babe, you know I didn't mean that. Its just you know he likes you and he'll try something."
  She let out a long sigh.
"I haven't even made any definitive plans."

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