Ch 55: The Curse

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Photo of Eddie Cibrian who plays Steven Blackwoods.
Those dimples are so dreamy 😍😍


"You should be ashamed of yourself." My father said gruffly, looking at me with disappointment in his eyes. I wanted to shrivel up into the chair, not used to seeing that look aimed at me.
  As soon as we had left the nursery, my friends scattering out of the room as to not be caught eavesdropping, my father led me down to his office for this lecture.
I didn't reply as I looked at my trembling hands clasped tightly on my lap. I didn't like seeing my mother and father looking at me like that.
"Look at me when I'm speaking to you , young lady." I snapped my head up forcing myself to meet my fathers eyes. As much as I wanted to avert my eyes I held his gaze.
"You have a right to be angry, he rejected you and he left, but to deny him his own children ?" He shook his head and let out a tiresome breath.
He looked exhausted beyond words as he ran a hand through his tangled brown hair.
My mother stood at his side, her hand on his shoulder, always the supportive mate and Luna. Her eyes held disappointment as well.
"What you did was wrong and childish, Ashley." She spoke up her brows furrowed "He had a right to know."
I nodded my head slowly as I felt my eyes fill with tears. I blinked them away.

"I know he did." I finally said my eyes drifting down to my hands. Guilt clawed at me in waves "I thought he would only resent me if he knew."
My father leaned forward, his hands clasped tightly together before him.
"He's hurting right now. He cried as he held his children for the first time. Children who don't even recognize their own father."
"He hurt me too." I whispered brokenly.
His eyes softened immediately.
"I know he did. He's going to pay for breaking my little girl's heart, don't doubt it. But that is no excuse. "
I felt more tears fall as my throat clogged with emotions.
I wanted to yell and break things.
I wanted to crawl into myself and break down.
Seeing Damian had brought back all the contempt and anger I had for him. But seeing him hold Micah and Madison for the first time, his face covered in tears and his eyes looking lost and broken made me want to apologize and turn back time.
I had never seen him lose it like that before and although I hated to admit it it, it broke my heart.

"How I didn't see this before I have no idea." My father shook his head a deep scowl on his face "I immediately crossed him off my list when you said you weren't mates. And I believed you, you broke our trust."
"I'm sorry." I croaked my voice sounding hoarse "Don't blame Ash and the others, I made them promise not to say anything."
My father sighed and sat back in his seat his next words making my body go cold.
"Damian is staying here."
"Dad, don't do this to me." My voice wavered, my eyes pleading.
I couldn't have him near me.
"You have no say in it." He said firmly, his mouth set in a hard line. "He stays."
I stood up and stormed out, feeling angry.
Angry at Damian for returning and at my father who couldn't have just let this whole situation go.
I was headed upstairs to my room when I realized that Damian was next door with Madison and Micah.
Images of him holding onto them, staring in wonderment and realization dawning on his face when he made the connection that he had a son and daughter he never knew about, flashed before my eyelids.
I could smell him upstairs, his natural smell seeping into my pores. I shook my head, I couldn't be here.
I walked outside where I could sense everyone else at.

All eyes were trained on me as I sat down in an empty chair looking into the flames of the bonfire. The night was quiet as the trees swayed back and forth from the slight wind.
No one spoke for a few minutes, not sure of what to say.
"How are you ?" Dante scooted his chair over to me, his eyes concerned.
I didn't reply, instead letting him feel all my emotions through our connection.
His lips thinned into a grim line as he brought a bottle of beer to his mouth. I grabbed one for myself, needing to relax some.
I looked around and everyone else seemed to be lost in thought. Lindsey looked miserable as Lance held her to his chest. As if feeling my eyes she looked up and I was taken back by the anger directed at me.
"He hates me." She said into the silence her eyes glaring at me "You made me keep this from him and now he wants nothing to do with me."
"Babe-" Lance sent me an apologetic look but she shook her head.
"You don't even understand just how devastated he is." Her jaw clenched.
"Look it's not time to point fingers." Ash replied gruffly looking around the circle "We all made our own choices. Even Damian, when he chose to leave."
"He had his reasons." Lindsey said her voice soft and sad.
"Then explain it to us, so we can understand." Raven said exasperated "You say that but yet you don't explain. What was so bad that Damian felt the need to reject his mate and walk away ?"
She hesitated, her eyes staring into the fire for a few minutes.
"It's not my story to tell, but you will know soon enough."
Then she stood up and walked away, Lance standing up to follow. He gave me an apologetic look before walking after her.

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