Ch 39: Crashing the party

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Ch 39: Crashing the party


I tied the final bow on the box and step back with a triumphant smile.
Tomorrow would be Damian and I's four month anniversary, and I had just now finished wrapping up his gift.
I'd gotten him black and brown Polo boots I saw him looking at the other day while we were at the mall, some Hollister Cologne that smelled amazing and finally a electronic picture frame that had various pictures of us two.
I'd just put it in my closet when there was a knock at my door.

"Come in." I yelled and in walked Raven with the rest of the girls trailing behind.
They we're all dressed up in nice dresses.
"Why are you all dressed up? " I asked, sitting down on the side of my bed.
"Well you've been up Damian's ass for the past few months and we thought since tomorrow you're going to be with Damian all day, tonight would be ours." Raven plopped down beside me.
"Not that we blame you wanting to spend as much time as you can with him." Lindsey added, as they all made themselves comfortable on my plush bed.

"But today is our night with you since tomorrow is your four month anniversary. " Payton beamed.
"You guys remembered that ?" I asked in awe.
"Of course we did." Raven rolled her eyes "But thats beyond the point. The point is that tonight we're going out for a girls night which means... "
"No boys! " they said in unison.
I couldn't help but laugh at my Goofball of friends.
Four months sure could bring you close to one another.

"So get up and get ready." Bailey shooed me into the bathroom.
I took a quick shower before tying a towel around my body and heading into my walk in closet. I heard the tv turn on as they made use of my Netflix.
"Where are we going anyways? " I asked, searching through my dresses.
I assumed since they were all wearing dresses we we're going somewhere fancy.
"To a strip club." Raven yelled as the girls laughed at something Rob Dyrdek said.
I stopped in my search and stuck my head out.

"You're kidding right? " I asked, cautiously.
I never knew with them.
They didn't respond just smiled and looked back at the tv.
I shrugged before looking for a dress. I finally decided on a skin tight elbow sleeve black dress that had little slits on the rib area and a low back.
I had just put on my shoes as another knock sounded on my door.
"Oh Ashley, it's lover boy." Raven sang in her best dirty dancing voice.
I couldn't help the blush that crept on my face as they made kissing sounds and moans.
I quickly closed the door behind me as Damian stood with an arched eyebrow.

"That was..."
"They're being very weird tonight." I agreed my eyes raking over his figure.
Damian looked devilishly handsome in a plain black tee and dark pants, wearing the leather jacket I had gotten him for our one month anniversary.
He smiled that smile that had me weak at the knees and my stomach doing flips.
"I missed you today." His arms immediately wrapped around me, my body instantly melting against him.
Words couldn't explain just how much I loved being around him.

His lips we're on mine in the next second and all thoughts fled my head. A low growl rumbled through his chest as I sucked on his lower lip. Id figured out that he loved when I did that. A shiver ran down my spine as his hands left my waist and traced down the bare skin of my back.
"You're not going out like this." He growled, pulling away slightly.
He had a frown plastered on his face.
"Damian we've talked about this." I rolled my eyes in exasperation.
There seemed to always be a problem with what I wore, if it didn't cover me from head to toe.

"It shows too much skin." He grumbled "Guys will try to hit on you."
"Yes, but even with a shirt on you'll manage to get girls throwing themselves at you." I pointed out, not liking the thought of girls touching up on my man.
Half the time I had to be the rational one who had to stop an argument from starting.
"But I don't want them, I only want you." His hands slowly ran up and down my back, sending pleasurable tingles down my body.
"And all I want is you." My voice sounded too husky too my ears.

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