Chapter 18: What just happened ?

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As we neared the Midnight Pack I couldn't help but be excited.

It had been months since I had seen my dearest cousins Brent and Alissa, my uncle Tyler's children.

Also my Uncle Paul and his youngest, Lillian. I hadn't seen my aunt Sarah in a year or so after she left the pack to join her Mates pack in Nevada.

Midnight Pack wasnt that far from us, my father had planned this expedition so that my uncle Tyler's pack was the last one we visited.

Uncle Tyler was my mom's brother, who she had met when she was around my age. Apparently she had gotten separated as a young pup and they had reunited as adults. I was very close to my grandfather Bryan and his second chance Mate Heather. Uncle Ty was now the current Alpha alongside his Luna Amanda.

"You seem like you're in a better mood " Damian said his voice husky from sleep.

I didn't want to look at him after that intense conversation we had had the other day, but I couldn't help it.

He looked tired, dark circles underneath his gorgeous eyes. A slight stubble had begun to grow on his jaw, and his hair was disheveled.

Lately I hadn't been able to sleep knowing Damian wasn't that far away from me.

No matter what I was still attracted to him and having him so near yet so far, broke my heart.

It seemed like I wasn't the only one losing some sleep although I was sure that his reason was one of the many hormonal teen girls throwing themselves at him.

I didn't want to think of some other girl laying their hands on him, touching him in intimate places that only I should be.

Get it through your head, I reprimanded myself, he doesn't want you. So just let it be and try not to make this more difficult than it already is.

"Mate. I want mate!." My wolf growled impatiently .

I could feel her frustration as she paced around.

Here we go again, I thought rolling my eyes in annoyance.
"Don't you understand that he rejected us. He would rather screw girls than stay committed to us!" I growled.

"His wolf wants us, I can feel it ." She said truimphantly.

I narrowed my eyes suspiciously at her gloating tone.
"Why are you so happy ? It doesn't mean he wants us."
"You'll find out soon enough." She smirked before blocking me.

I'll find out soon enough ? What the heck did she mean by that ?

I didn't have time to ponder it as someone cleared their throat loudly.

I felt my cheeks heating up as once again I found myself caught staring at him.

I cleared my throat and looked away.
"Did you say something? " I asked trying to make my voice nonchalant while on the inside I was dying of embarassment.
"We have a right to look at our Mate." My wolf huffed.
"Nice to know you only show up when it comes to Damian." My voice dripping with sarcasm "But no we dont. He's not our mate anymore ."

Instead of saying a smart remark she just gave that smirk again before closing me off.

"I said that you seem to be in a better mood, is there a certain reason behind it ?" He raised an eyebrow giving me a curious look before turning back to the road.

I opened my mouth to answer but then shut it quickly as I stared at him.

Why was he even talking to me ? Why was I even replying ? I had made it clear not that long ago that I didn't want anything to do with him.

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