Ch 52: Kiss

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"Ashley, calm down." Raven laughed lightly "Everything will be fine."
"It's one date, if you don't like him then you don't have to go on another with him. You can just remain friends." Bailey reassured as she lounged on my bed.
  Lindsey sat looking out the window as the moon reflected off the lake water, lost in thought.
"Lindsey ?" I asked hesitantly.
I hated how things had been since between us since the night of my birthday. She's been distant and moody.
She looked up at me, her lips set in a frown.
"How do I look ?" I asked softly.
Her eyes traveled down my outfit and she smiled. A forced smile, but still better than her frowns.
"You look beautiful." She finally replied before returning to look out the window.
Raven and Bailey gave me sad looks. They didn't like the tension, but we all understood why Lindsey was acting this way.

"Lindsey -"
"I don't want to talk about it." She interrupted me without looking up.
"We have to, I don't like this tension between us." I admitted, my voice wavering with my need to cry in frustration.
All I wanted to do was move on and be happy, why couldn't she just accept that?
"I don't either." She looked up and wrapped her arms around her legs and rested her head on her knees.
"So can you please just let it go, like I did ."
She chuckled dryly, no humor what so ever.
"It's not that easy for me. I know the way Damian thinks, he will come around. It will just take some time."

"It's been six months Lindsey, you can't expect me to wait forever ."
"I don't." She shook her head and let out a tired sigh her eyes meeting mine "But give him more time. He- he went through a lot and -"
"He put me through a lot too you know." I forced out "I tried to make him stay but he left. He made his decision. I can't wait forever for him."
She shook her head a look of frustration on her face.
"You don't understand , what Damian went through ...' She let the sentence hang .
"Explain it to me then." I snapped. I hated these cryptic arguments.
She opened her mouth to speak but snapped it shut. She stood up and headed for the nursery  door .

  "It's not my story to tell." She said once she reached the door her hand on the handle "I hope your date goes well, Grayson does seem like a nice guy."
With that said she walked out the door and shut the door softly behind her.
The room settled into silence.
   "She will come around." Bailey reassured with a small smile "it's been hard on us too but we all just want your happiness. "
   "Thank you." I dragged my friends into a hug, feeling  better knowing I had there support.
"C'mon Grayson should be arriving soon." Raven walked me over to the mirror making sure everything was perfect.
It had been two weeks since my birthday and in between school and the twins I hadn't had much free time. So on one of my off days Grayson had asked me out on a date. I'd been hesitant at first but eventually agreed. So here I was on a Saturday night getting ready for my date.

Wear something causal, he had said. I decided on some skinny jeans, a grey v neck shirt, a black jacket and high heeled booties. I left my hair down in natural waves, having had cut it not so long ago so it now reached my shoulders.
I wasn't exactly sure we're we were going but I felt nervous and excited all at once. It had been a while since I had gone out on a date.
The doorbell rang below and I heard someone open the door.
"Your dates here, Ashley." My mother called up. I could hear the smile in her voice.
"Be right down. " I called down as I entered the nursery to find Dante on the floor bouncing Madison on his knee while Lindsey held a gurgling Micah while Lance sat in the rocking chair watching with a smile.
Dante loved Madison, he would always spend hours playing with her and reading her stories. He loved Micah equally but I knew Madison was his favorite. Lindsey on the other hand adored Micah. She would make an incredible mother, and Lance had more than once implied he would like to have a child soon. She was hesitant seeing as they still had yet to figure out their plans for the future.

Dante looked up as I entered a big smile on his face. He seemed a lot happier these days and that put my mind to ease. He wasn't back with Peyton yet, he had lost her trust, but slowly they were getting there. He had thanked me more than once for intervening and forcing them to talk.
"Grayson here yet ?" Lance asked looking away from Lindsey a look of longing in his eyes. He adored children.
"Yeah downstairs, just wanted to say good night to my munchkins."
Dante handed me Madison reluctantly and I held her to my chest giving her little kisses on her chubby cheeks. She giggled and my heart soared. I loved hearing her laugh. She had my same eyes and rosy cheeks. Her hair was dark like mine and curly. She was beautiful.
Micah had bright blue eyes that reminded me so much of Damian. The same dark brown hair and dimples in his cheeks.
"You want me to bring them down so Grayson can meet them ?" Lance asked .
I hesitated but shook my head.
"I don't think I'm ready to introduce them to him quiet yet." He nodded in understanding and headed back to the rocking chair.
They wished me luck before I headed downstairs with Raven and Bailey in tow.

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