Shooting Shots

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Misty's POV

"Hey Misty, long time no see," Groff says as I turn around to face him.

"Hey Groffy, I've missed you," I say pulling him In for another hug. "How is the show going?" I ask pulling away again.

"It's really great, I finished filming my parts for this season last month. I think this is the last one,"

"Aw," I say frowning a little.


"Oh nothing, it's not like I've watched every episode and have gotten emotionally attached to some of the characters," I say with a shrug causing a smile to grow on Groff's face. "So how long are you staying? Are you back for good?" I ask hope lighting up my eyes.

"No, actually I have another gig in New York,"

"Oh really?" the hope in my eyes dimmed a little.

"Yeah, it's on a stage this time,"

"That's so cool, good for you," I say giving him a smile. "I always told you Glee was your big break. Frozen was really good too,"

"You saw that?"

"Of course, you were in it,"

"Hey, before I leave there are some people I'd like you to meet,"

"And I would love to meet them but I'm kind of in the middle of a show right now Groffy,"

"Of course, it can wait till after, go rock that stage like you've always have,"

"Always," I say before giving Groff a kiss on the cheek and walking away towards the bar. "Hey Mitch, a couple of drinks for my mates on stage, you know what they like," I say standing next to a guy with extremely curly and poofy hair.

"On second," Mitch says disappearing for a second. He comes back a second later with two bottles o beer in his hands setting them on the bar in front of me.

"Thank you, thank you," I say with a smile taking the bottles in one of my hands, using the other to turn my mic back on.

"Anything for you Mist," Mitch says as I take my leave. As I leave I turn towards the curly-headed stranger finally getting a look at him. He turns his head and I suck in a breath as our eyes meet, but I quickly recover sending him a wink before walking off towards the stage.


Strangers POV

I turn my head to the side and my eyes meet a breathtaking pair of eyes that weren't exactly one color. I don't know what happened but something changed, I had no idea who this girl was but something told me she was important. I grab the drinks that were now sitting in front of me making my way back to the table.

"Yo Daveed what took you so long?" Anthony asks as I sit down.

"I just... got distracted," I say shrugging off the question.


Misty's POV

After a couple more songs I noticed I had run out of water, I motion for my bandmates to play whatever as I slide off the stage and make my way back to the bar.

"Hey Mitchy, can I get a refill?" I ask setting an empty glass on the counter.

"Yeah," He says picking it up. "You want Root Beer or Water?"

"I think my stash is running low so water is fine," I say looking around a little.

"You know we refill that stash for you right?" Mitch says stopping to look at me.

"You do?"

"Of course, just because you work in a place that sells mainly alcohol doesn't mean you have to drink it. Besides you're our friend we'll do anything to keep you from relapsing,"

"Thanks," I say a small smile forming on my face.

"So you want a Root Beer then?" He asks and I nod my head smiling as he walks away. I look around the crowd my eyes landing on the opposite end of the bar, the curly-headed man I saw earlier. Without hesitation, I grab a pen from my back pocket and a napkin writing down a short note.


The name is Misty, text me :)

678- 867-5309

Mitch some back setting a bottle of Root Beer down in front of me.

"Hey, Mitch can you do me one more favor?" I ask before he could walk away.

"Yeah of course," I slide the napkin towards him.

"Can you give this to that curly-headed cutie down there," I say pointing to the other end of the bar? "The one I was standing next to earlier,"

"Ooh Misty getting ballsy all of the sudden," He says reading the note. "I thought you said you wouldn't give your number to any customers?"

"There's something different about him," I reply looking down the bar.

A/N: Misty's number is not a real phone number... I repeat it is not a real phone number, it's from a song actually, and if you can guess what song you will get a cookie!! (Not really)

Here is your daily post, I haven't had time to write so there is only one fore today :) ~M

Dandelions ~Daveed DiggsWhere stories live. Discover now