opening night

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"Groff have you seen my water bottle?" Misty says looking around the kitchen. Groff walks in a second later immediately spotting the bottle on the counter.

"It's right behind you," he says walking across the room to get his own bottle.

"Thank you," she says looking behind her. The two move around the room getting ready for their day like they've lived together for years. Before they knew it they were out the door and on their way to the theater to their last rehearsal before they open on Broadway. "I can't believe I'm actually going to be in a Broadway musical," MIsty says as they walk up to the theater.

"It's a little insane isn't it," Groff replies standing next to his best friend. Never in her life did MIsty think she would be here, out of her home town, in the big apple, about to perform a musical on Broadway.

"What do you think dad would say?"

"I don't think he'd miss a show," Groff replies looking at Misty, they share a smile beroe walking into the theater.


"You ready for this sunshine?" Daveed asks as he leans against the doorframe to Misty's dressing room.

"I think so," she replies meeting his eyes briefly through the mirror as she finishes her hair. "I mean we've already done this like 30 thousand times, we just have a bigger audience,"

"Fair point, fair point," Daveed says walking into the room as Misty turns around in her chair to face him. "I know," he says sto}ing in front of the girl. "That you will do absolutely amazing tonight," he says before leaning down and placing a small kiss on Misty's lips.

"Hmm, you will too," misty replies pulling back after. "Mr.fighting French man," she says with a smile before something catches her eye. "What is going on with this hair?" She says with a small laugh turning Daveeds head to get a better look at the mess.

"What? I did it my self," he says with mock offense causing Misty to laugh.

"Sit down," she says as she stands up moving behind him so she could fix his hair. Daveed watches through the mirror as Misty fixes his hair. He was totally captured by the soft features of her face as she focused on the simple take. The way her eyes would slightly narrow and her tounge would slide slightly out the corner of her mouth as she desperately tried to smooth down an unruly bump. Before he knew it Misty had stopped moving, meeting his eyes through the mirror. "Good to go," she says with a small smile. "I would not suggest doing your own hair though,"she says with a laugh. Suddenly the 5 min call is herd throughout the room startling Misty slightly.

"Let's go kick some redcoat ass," Daveed says standing up, taking Misty's hand and leading her out of the room.


"Ahh that was so great!" Misty said excitedly throwing her arms around Daveeds shoulders a big smile on her face.

"You're doing wonderfully ma chérie," Daveed replies wrapping him arms around Misty's waist his LaFayette accent still present. Misty pulls away slightly the red on her cheeks visible.

"When did you learn french? She asks causing him to shrug.

" you pick up a few phrases when learning an accent for a role," Daveed said not mentioning the fact that he looked up how to say this word specifically so he could call her it.

"Sure," she replies narrowing her eyes slightly. "You need to go change," she says fully pulling away pushing him lightly towards his dressing room.


" wow," MIsty says quietly as the curtain closes for the last time of the night.

"Yeah," Daveed says appearing next to her.

"That was... surreal,"

"You were amazing," Daveed says looking at the girl next to him.

"You were too," she said giving him a smile. Before grabbing his hand and walking back stage to celebrate with the rest of the cast. The group shares smiles and laughs as they change out of their costumes. MIsty was back stage talking with Oak and Leslie when she felt a pair of arms wrap around her waist.

"Hey Daveed," Oak says before continuing the conversation for a few more minutes.

"Do you want to get food?" Daveed says with his arms still around Misty.

"Sure," she replies looking back at him. "I'm just going to let Groff know, you know how he gets," she says placing a kiss on Daveeds cheek before moving to find Groff.


"So what are we feeling?" Daveed asks as the duo gets into his car.

"Chicken strips and back to your place?" Misty replies looking across the seat.

"I can work with that," Daveed replies with a small chuckle as he pulls out of his spot driving off into the night.


Daveeds POV

I laugh to myself slightly as Misty collapses on the couch of my apartment, she had had a long day and I'm sure she was tired, I'm just glad she wanted to spend the evening with me.

"Do you want to watch a movie or something, then I can drive you home?" I ask leaning over the back of the couch where she was laying.

"Could I stay here for the night?" She asks after flipping over so she's looking at me. I can't say I wasn't surprised a little by the question, but it was deffinently one i was glad she asked.


Misty POV

"It'll be late, and i'd probably wake Groff up," I didn't tell him that Groff will sleep through litterally anything, I didn't tell him that I acctualy wanted to stay becuase even after spending all day with him, I didn't want to leave his side. Why i didn't say that I don't know but either way he smiled and nodded answering my question.

"Of course you can stay if you want, it's not like i'm going to force you out of my house," He says with a small laugh as he walks around and sits on the couch with me. He picks up the remote turning on the tv as I curl into his side.


3rd Person POV

The movie was half way over when Daveed looked down at the girl curled into his side and noticed that she was fast asleep. Carefully he moved to pick her up, gently walking her over to his bedroom and placing her into the bed covering her up with the balnkets.

"You did great today sunshine," Daveed says quietly and places a kiss on the girls forehead. He starts to move away as Misty's arm reaches out to grab his hand.

"Where are you going?" She asks still half asleep.

"To turn off lights," he says allowing the girl to drag him back to her side. "Go back to sleep," he says placing another kiss on her temple. "I'll be back in a second," Misty falls back asleep and Daveed looks at her with a small smile on his face. He quickly made his rounds in the apartment locking the door and turning off electronics before returning to his room and sliding underneath the covers next to the girl he was falling in love with.

A/N: heyo I'm back from a heactic week and weekend, I am hoping to write more as thanksgiving break approaches and there will deffienently be more chapters out later this week. I love yall so much have a great day and or night, have a great life, you are all amazing and beautiful people. ~M

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