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"She's gone viral," Daveed says as he pushes the door open to Lin and Groffs dressing room.

"She's gone viral" Groff says looking over at Daveed in shock.

"She's gone viral?" Lin asks looking over confused. "Who is she and is this good or bad,"

"Misty, and knowing her it could be either," Groff says turning back to what he was doing.

"Misty's gone viral? Since when I thought she wasn't on social media?" Lin asks turning his full attention to the conversation.

"Yeah that's kinda my fault," Daveed said sitting down on the couch in the room. "But how have you not seen the video she's litterly all over my Twitter feed,"

"Are you sure that's not because you're obsessed with her," Groff counters giving Daveed a look through the mirror.

"Ha ha your so funny," Daveed replies giving him a look.

"I honestly haven't noticed a video," Lin says picking up his phone and going on Twitter. He scrolls for a second in silence. "Oh look there she is," he says with a small chuckle as he continues to scroll. "And again, and again, oh look a fourth time, you weren't joking when you said she went viral," he says looking up at Daveed who shook his head in response. "I say just rip the band-aid off," Lin says setting his phone back down.

"She's going to be pissed though,"

"Wouldn't you rather it be sooner rather than later?" Groff asks looking at Daveed through the mirror.

"That's a good point," he sighs standing up from his seat and walking out of the room.

"At least if she kills him she can take his spot," Lin says quietly once Daveed left the room.


The music could be heard from down the hall, you would think the girls were having a party. In reality they were getting ready for the show, and it was Misty's day to choose the music. Shakira loudly escaped into the hall as Daveed walked towards the room. He leaned against the doorway watching the commotion as the girls help each other with hair and makeup.

"Hey Daveed," one of the girls said noticing his presence in the doorway. This cause Misty to look up from where she was fiddling with the music. A small smile grew on her face when she saw him.

"Hey," he said shooting a smile to the girls before focusing back on Misty. "Can I steal you for a second?"

"Of course" she says with a small nod placing her phone down and following Daveed out into the hallway. "What's up," she said once they were a safe distance away from the music and, most likely, eavesdropping girls.

"I want to preface this by saying that I know you're going to be mad and all I'm asking is that you don't kill me,"

"What did you do? " she asks slowly looking at Daveed. "Why would I be mad?"

"You've gone viral," he says quickly, ripping the bandaid off like suggested.

"That's so cool," misty says before stoping. "I don't have social media to go viral on," she says giving him a look.

"I may have possibly mad a Twitter account for you and posted a video of you singing," Daveed says with a sheepish look on his face. Misty blinks at him.

"You what?"

"Yeah," the duo falls into silence misty studies Daveeds facing looking for some sign that it's a joke. "Look I know your mad, and I know it was stupid of me but I also know that you have an absolutely amazing voice that deserves to be shared with the world," Misty doesn't reply. The duo falls into a silence.

"I'm not mad," Misty says allowing Daveed to let out a breath of relief. "I'm just disappointed you would go behind my back instead of talking to me," she says before slowly turning around and walking away leaving Daveed alone in the hallway.

"That could have gone worse," Jonathan says with a shrug walking past Daveed.

"Were you there the whole time?" Daveed asks giving Jonathan a look. Again the man just shrugs walking off towards the stage.

A/N: it's been a hot second I know but here we are, and there will be more coming. For now eat food drink water I wish you all the best love you <3 ~ M

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