rehersal talks

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The morning light shined through the windows of the apartment, and a mostly awake Jonothan Groff was in the kitchen making a pot of coffee knowing that Misty would not be awake enough to rehearse without it.  Daveed walks in a moment later looking oddly awake for 6:45 in the morning. 


"Morning, coffees going, I figured we could stop for food on the way," Jon says, Daveed nodding his head. 

"Where is Misty?"

"Asleep still probably, you can go wake her up if you want, the room across from hers," Jon says, again Daveed nods moving to walk out of the room. "Just don't get smacked," he says as Daveed fully walks out of the room. He walks through the apartment finding the room that was across from the one he slept in. Quietly opening the door he peaks in seeing Misty asleep on the bed. Opening the door a little more walking into the room. Quietly he approaches the bed sitting on the side gently rubbing Misty's back taking Jon's smacking warning into consideration. She awakes a little, enough to sober her head dramatically under the pillow.

"Come on Mist you gotta get up," Daveed said continuing to lightly rub the girl's back. Misty moves her head from underneath the pillow plopping it on top and stares at Daveed. "There she is," Daveed says with that smile that the girl loved.

"What did you call me?" Misty asks watching as Daveeds face turns confused.

"Mist?" Daveed says Misty doesn't reply as she takes in the fact that she didn't mind being called that name for once. "I'm sorry, I won't call you that again if you dont like it," Daveed said not knowing that the name hit a small sore spot.

"No, no it's fine," Misty says quickly not wanting Daveed to think he did something wrong. "It was what my dad used to call me, I haven't heard it in a while," She says as she sits up the sleeve of her shirt falling off her shoulder due to the cut of the neckline. "Say it again," she says after a moment.

"You have to get up," Daveed said knowing full well that's not what she meant.

"Really Dav?" She replies giving him a look and causing him to smirk. He stands up walking towards the door before looking back at her.

"Hurry up Mist, we leave in ten,"


"Hey Ari," Misty said as she put her stuff in between Ariana's and Jasmine's.

"Hey Misty," Ariana says looking at Misty then back to her phone double taking back up to look at Misty. "You look different," she states causing Misty to grow confused.

"I do?"

"Yeah, it's the way you carry yourself, you're more excited, " Ariana says studying the girl.

"Can't say I know what you're talking about, " Misty says bending down to change her shoes. Ariana reaches over her tapping Jasmine on the shoulder pulling both her and Carleigh and Pippa into the conversation.

"Don't you think Misty looks different? " she asks as Misty stands back up.

"I don't kno-," Jasmine cuts herself off tilting her head as she continues to study Misty.

"I see what you mean," Carleigh says looking toward Ariana.

"Yeah," Jasmine adds nodding her head.

"She went on a date!" Pippa says all the girl's faces light up in realization.

"Oh my god, how was it?" Ariana asks almost immediately.

"Where was it?"

"When was it?"

"Who was it?" Jasmine says last quieting the questions of the other girls as they all stare at Misty expecting answers.

"Who said I went on a date?" Misty said trying to escape the spotlight.

"Girl it's obvious, " Carleigh says giving her a look. Misty sighed after a moment.

"I don't even know if it was a date," she says looking down at the ground.

"What are we talking about?" Renee asks walking up to the group. 

"Misty went on a daate," Jasmine sings smiling at Misty. She rolls her eyes in response turning towards Renee.

"I don't know if it was a date,"

"Well, what happened?" She asks the other girls nodding along wanting to know the answer. 

"We just went to a fair," Misty says trailing off a little bit. 

"I'm sensing an and in that statement,"  Pippa says as Ariana gives Misty a look. 

"Aaaand he miiight have kissed me," Misty said quietly trying not to cause a scene. 

"Are you serious," 

"Girl that is huge,"

"Oh my god,"

"No way,"

"*excited girl squealing*"

"What's going on over here?" Daveed asks walking over towards the group of girls Oak following closely behind. 

"Nothing, nothing, just a little girl talk," Misty says quickly before any of the girls could say something else. 

"Girl talk got it," Daveed says with a nod. "Could I possibly steal you away from this talk for a second I have a question about York Town," 

"Yeah, uh, yeah of course," Misty said walking off with Daveed. The girls and Oak watch as the duo wanders to another spot in the room, working through a part in York Town Misty correcting Daveed's movements every now and then. 

"Is it just me or did something change between them?" Oak says leaning into the girls. 

"Something definitely changed," Pippa says.



"They went on a date," Jasmine says after coming to the conclusion. 

"He kissed her!" Ariana says as the whole group shares a look. 

"They will so be a thing before this show hits broadway," Oak says turning his attention back to Misty and Daveed.

A/N: this is obviously a little bit of a filler, I'm not 100% sure where to go from here I've got so many plot ideas I just need to piece them together lol. Sooooo I'm going to go do that, and the next chapter will be out soon (in theory) ~M 

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