road trips

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"So how far away will this be?" I ask as I fold clothes putting them in a suitcase.

"It's only like a two-hour drive," Groff says grabbing a couple of things that I've asked for from across the room. "And if you get the roll you can room with me. I have an apartment in the city, walking distance of almost everything,"

"You'd really let me stay with you?"

"Of course," Jon replies causing a small smile to grow on my face.


"You have everything?" Jon asks as he walks towards my apartment door.

"Yeah," I say following along behind my bag already in the car. The rest of the group headed back earlier Lin had to get back to family and show biz stuff. "Did you know I've never been to New York?"

"Yes, you've lived in the same city since you were a baby," Jon says waiting as I lock my apartment door behind us.

"I don't know whether to take that as an insult or not,"

"What's there to take? It's just the truth, I'm not insulting you or anything. I can insult you, want me to insult you?"

"Yeah, I'll pass," I say with a small smile pushing him lightly as we walk down the hallway.


10 min into the drive

"I mean it's crazy,"


"We finish each other,"


"That's what I was going to say!"

"I've never met someone who thinks so much like me,"



"Our mental synchronization Can have but one explanation"


"And I"



"Ment To be!"


1 hour into the trip


"Come on Misty this song has been on loop for the past half hour,"

"PEOPLE WILL BEAT YOU AND CURSE YOU AND CHEAT YOU," I continue to sing stopping at a stoplight. "EVERY ONE OF THEM"S BAD EXCEPT YOUU," I boop Jon on the nose with my finger before turning my attention back to the road.


2 hours into the trip

"Can we pleaseeeeeee stop and get snacks,"

"MIsty we have like half an hour till where there can't you wait?"

"But that's soooo long, and who knows how much longer it will be once we hit city traffic,"

"Fine," Jon says with a roll of his eyes as he tries to hide a smile pulling the car into the nearest gas station.


"Ok, we are here," Jon says pulling up to the curb.

"About time,"

"Has anyone ever told you how impatient you are?"

"Oh loads of times," I say looking at Jon. "Let's get this show on the road," I say before opening my door and stepping out into the big city.

A/N: look at me another chapter right on schedule :) I have the next chapters planned out briefly, I just need to write them. More to come, love you all!! :) ~M

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