the group

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MIsty's POV

The rest of the show flew by in what felt like a matter of minutes, jokes being thrown about here and there along with the occasional people dancing. One thing I could never get tired of is performing here, the people were so supportive and kind, and they all looked after each other like a family.

"Hey Mitch," I say walking out from behind the bar with my stuff.

"Hey, you heading home for the night? I can get someone to walk you out,"

"No that's ok. Groffy is actually back in town and he brought some people he wants me to meet so we're probably going to be hanging around here for a little while,"

"So he is really back? I thought I saw him around here but you can never be too sure,"

"Yeah he's back, not for long though," I say totally killing the energy of the conversation.

"I'm sorry,"

"It's fine, he's a growing actor," I say with a shrug before putting a smile back on my face. "Anyway, I best be off,"

"Don't have too much fun, and y'all better be out by closing time," Mitch says pointing a finger at me causing me to laugh.

"Yessir," I say with a salute before walking over to the table in the corner where I noticed Groff was sitting. "Hiya Groffy," I say walking up to the table.

"Hey Mist, great show like always. You really kept up with this stuff," He says standing up to give me a hug.

"You know it," I say putting my stuff down before returning the hug. "What else am I supposed to do while you're not here Mr.Hollywood,"

"You know I didn't want to leave you," He says pulling out of the hug.

"And you know that you could leave me one- million times and I would still be crazy proud of you no matter what I say," I reply with a small smile before turning to the group behind him. "How rude of me," I say side stepping Groff so the small group could see me. "Mitsy Thomas is the name," I introduce with a smile. "Who might y'all be?" My smile falters a little when I meet eyes with the curly-headed man from the bar earlier.

"Daveed," The curly-headed man said with a small nod. "Daveed Diggs,"

"Clipping," I said tilting my head slightly. "Love your music," I say before turning my head to the person next to Daveed.

"Okieriete Onaodowan," The next man says with a friendly smile. "You can call me Oak,"

"Great, because I would have totally butchered a name like that," I said laughing slightly.

"You are really really pretty," slightly slurred words come from the guy next to Oak, he couldn't have been much younger than me. This earns him a smack on the shoulder from Oak causing me to laugh.

"How much have you had to drink tonight?" the fourth guy, who looks vaguely familiar says looking at the drunk one.


"I thought we cut you off at three?" Daveed asks looking at him.

"That's Anthony," Groff says from next to me. "He's a little intoxicated,"

"I can tell," I say with a laugh.

"I'm Lin," the last guy says with a wave, and realization struck me.

"That's it," I say with a snap, the group gives me questioning looks. "Sorry, I'm a big in the heights fan,"

"Really?" Lin asks a smile playing on his face.

"Fuck yeah, I am a huge musical theater nerd," I notice Groff give Lin a look seeming to have a silent conversation. "Just because I'm shorter than you doesn't mean I'm blind," I say grabbing a root beer from a secret stash. I have them hidden all over the bar just in case.

"Where'd that come from?" Anthony asks at the sight of the bottle probably thinking it's more alcohol.

"A stash, and no there is none for you,"

"You really think you should be drinking this late?" Groff asks looking at the time.

"One I can do what I want," I say pushing him out of the way and taking his booth spot next to Lin. " Two it's root beer, I don't drink,"

"Why not?" Oak asks from across the table.

"Let's just say I haven't had the best experiences with alcohol," I say, the group drops the subject after that. we spend the next couple of hours talking and getting to know each other, this group of guys was really fun. I'm glad that Groff has made some friends. eventually, I look at the clock realizing how late it was. "Shit, I've got to get home, it's late," I say. "How far out are you guys coming from?"

"Two-hour drive, it's not bad," Groff says in return.

"Yeah Bull shit," I say getting up and grabbing my stuff. "Y'all can crash at my place for the night there is no way I'm letting you five drive two hours at one in the morning,"

"Are you sure? You don't have to, we can get a hotel," Oak says looking at me.

"Nonsense, I mean some of you will have to talk the floor but you're all friends with Groffy here so why not," I say with a shrug and a smile.

"Sleepover!" Anthony shouts causing the group to laugh before moving to gather their stuff.

A/N: Ello' here is your daily post if you are thinking well Author you didn't update yesterday so it's hardly a daily post I will take this time to remind you of the posting schedule for this book.

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday are for sure updating days. The weekends will be writing days but depending on how much I write there cal be updates on those days too :)

I am currently writing so depending on how much I get done I will post again :) I hope you all had a great day:) ~ M

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