rehearsal numero uno pt. 1

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"Hello, Hello, Hello," Lin says as Jon and I walk, well I stumble through the door to our rehearsal studios. We were only like fifteen minutes late, but I was like half asleep and was fully functioning on coffee. 

"Hi, sorry we're late, someone was at the theater again late last night and got up late," Jon says giving me a look. I just roll my eyes, not in the mood to really care. "And now she's moody because she's tired," I roll my eyes again as I walk over to a wall to put my stuff down. 

"Well brush off that moodiness because it is dancing time," Lin says looking at me. I stop mid-step turning to look at him. 

"That's today? Shit, of course, that's today ok, give me like 5 seconds to get fully awake and I'll be ready to start," I say putting my stuff down, it had been a couple of days and Lin finally had a full cast, for the past couple of days I've been pushing my self more trying to actually get things choreographed for this musical, with the help of my assistant/ co-choreographer I have slowly been making progress. 


"Just a second Daveed," I say turning my attention across the room to Jon. "Hey, Groff did you bring an extra water bottle?" He looks back at me before chuckling. 

"I brought an extra extra just for this occasion," He says before tossing me a bottle of cold water. 

"Great," I say catching it before unscrewing the cap and dumping like half of it on my head as Daveed watched.  I shake my head and let out a sigh before putting the cap back on the water bottle and looking at Daveed. "You were saying?"

"Uhh, good morning?" He says even though it's more like a question.

"Good morning," I reply before taking my now-soaking wet sweatshirt off to show off my vintage Marvel tank. Don't judge, it's my favorite. "Hey, I would love to have a real conversation but I'm running late and I have to find Andy to talk schedule, Peace out girl scout," I say giving Daveed a salute before turning to find Andy.


"Ok, ok, ok, everyone gather around," I say after talking with Andy about the schedule. "So, today we are tackling the first three songs, maybe four I don't know if we'll get to the story of tonight. But anyway we'll start with Alexander Hamilton, ensemble you'll be with me, we'll go over relative placement and choreography, the main cast, you'll go with Andy relative placement and you're simple choreography, after that we'll come together to work out any placement issues and then that should be a wrap." I explain looking over the full cast. " From there Ensamble will take five while I talk the Main cast through Arron Burr sir, that number is really simple, after that we'll switch and the main cast will take five while I go over it with ensemble," I let out a breath before continuing. "After that, we go to lunch break, and then we tackle my shot, main cast will be with me this time, ensemble with Andy, depending on the time we'll switch. Afterward, we'll do it together, attempt to run through all three one after another, and I'll send out notes tonight. Any questions?" No one said anything. "Ok let's get busy,"


"Yeah, yeah, that's it, Ramos," I say watching the main cast run through Arron Burr sir. "Be a little looser with it Daveed, you're just getting drinks with the guys. That's better," I continue watching before switching over and teaching ensemble the choreography.


" Good work today so far, we're going to take a lunch break and then we'll get back at it and finish off the day," I say with a smile before grabbing my water bottle. 

A/N: im back I'm back I promise, I have more chapters lined up for this story and will be posting them regularly. Also I saw Hamilton live for the first time Saturday night... 9
Omg.....i have no words... What so ever.

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