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The next weeks were spent at the theater learning songs with the main cast as well as planning choreography. The group was waiting for the entirety of the ensemble to begin learning choreography, so they were using this time to learn and memorize songs and lines. 

Over these weeks Misty has gotten closer with the cast Daveed, Anthony, and Jazzy the most. Even though she was relatively close with everyone. Currently, they were all sitting on the stage talking. 

Misty's POV

"Fun fact I haven't actually danced in forever," I say talking with Pippa, Oak, and Thayne. 

"Really? You were so good," Pippa says her eyes widening a little in shock. 


"You should show us something, see if you still have it," Oak says looking at me. 

"Oh, no, no, no," I say shaking my head. 

"All in favor of Misty dancing for us raise your hand," Everyone on the stage looks in our direction and immediately raises their hands. 

"No, no guys, no," I say.

"Come one it'll be fun," Jon says a couple of people over. I sigh knowing that no one is going to give up. 

"Fine, what do you want to see," I say standing up. 

" Do whatever makes you happy," Pippa says as everyone moves to the front of the stage. 

"Ok uhhhhhhh, Anthony, do you know how to Salsa?" I ask after finding him in the crowd. 

"Kind of, I mean I did it with my ma when I was younger," He replies with a shrug. 

"Wanna dance with me?" I ask sending him pleading eyes. 

"Sure," He gives in making his way over to me. "I didn't know you Salsa," Anthony says as I look for a song. 

"Yeah, I danced with mi padres y mi abuelos a lot when I was younger, my great grandparents were from Puerto Rico,"

"No way you're Perto Rican?" 

"Yeah," I replied looking up. 

"I am too,"

"No shit? that's so cool," I say a smile falling onto my face. "How about Shakira?"

"Sounds good to me,"


"Is that Shakira I hear?" Lin asks walking up to the stage behind Jon. 

"We talked Mist into showing us some moves," He replies moving out of the may slightly so Lin could see her dancing on the stage with Anthony. 

"Anthony can Salsa?" was Lin's response before climbing onto the stage to watch. 


"I am so Sorry," Anthony says trying hard to contain his laughter. I was laughing on the ground after tripping over Anthony's foot. "in my defense I told you I haven't salsaed in a while,"

"It's fine," I choke out between laughs as Anthony helps me up. "I wasn't that clean either," 

"Not that clean? You guys that was amazing," Pippa says the rest of the group agreeing with her. After a few more compliments the group gets back to rehearsing and memorizing the rest of the day flying by. 


"Hey Mist you coming home?" Jon asks stepping onto the side of the stage where I was working with a couple of the assistant choreographers. 

"No," I replied looking over at him. "I think I'm going to stay a little longer nail down some choreo so we can get started once Lin has a full cast," 

"Ok," He nods his head in reply. "Don't stay out to late and don't get kidnapped,"  

"Text me when you get home," I reply flashing him a smile before turning my attention back to the task at hand. 

A/N: look at me posting for more then one day straight yay!!!!!

I hope you have an absolutely wonderfully splendid day~M

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