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I swear to god, Yarah001's stories are the absolute best source for inspiration!

I literally finished this chapter in 3 days thanks to rereading her stories!

-All prayers to the Yarah goddess! Oh the oh so ever sadistic and Tenma-torture-lover Yarah goddess!

(Over the top, but she deserves it ^3^""")


During the break, a man suddenly set foot on the field, who Nishiki called Master for some reason. And in midst of the team's confusion, the adults suddenly recognised the man as their old teammate Someoka Ryuugo.

Of course this came out as a shocker, but what the said adult then told the samurai-talking-teenager to do with the soccer ball he suddenly painted on brought back their confusion once again.

And while all of this was going on, with most of the Raimon members focused on Nishiki, the one brunet of the team simply had his eyes fixated on front of him, staring at not really anything in particular.

To others, it'd look like he's somewhat spacing out in a way.

His eyes were just looking ahead, not even really blinking all that much. His brain wasn't really working either, it was as if it shut down and called it a day. The only thing Tenma was actually conscious of was his desire to cry.

For some reason, he just felt like breaking down ever since he saw the Kidokawa Seishuu brothers fighting eachother, but at the same time, he knew he couldn't and he knew he wasn't capable of crying.

He simply felt empty. He felt a void inside of him.

Actually, scratch that. He felt two voids inside him.

One in his stomach and the other in his heart.

The one in the stomach only made him feel weird. In fact, if anything it only made him feel hungry. As for the void in his heart, that one hurt.

The said void made his heart feel freezing cold and Tenma knew for a fact that it was the main culprit for his current emotional state.

He has had this happen to him more times than he can count, but even so, he still didn't know if this emptiness and desire is depression or something else.

He knew it had to be something.

But what?

Eventually, he lowered his head and stared at the floorboards.

He kept on ignoring the commotion on the other end of the benches, trying to get over his emotions. Not that it helped at all

'Nii-san... I miss you...'


"Hmm? Yes, Kidou-san?"

"Are you ok? You're not looking very good right now."


"I am, I was just spacing out." Said the brunet while forcing a smile on his face, which was painfully easy.

To say the least.

But, coincidentally, right then in there, the break officially ended and Tenma couldn't have been happier with the perfect timing. He quickly bid goodbye to his coach and went back to the field with his teammates.

However, unbeknownst to him, he didn't hide his state as well as he believed he did.

The coach had actually been observing his fellow player ever since the brunet murmured out his jealousy quietly. Hence, when he saw the brunet staring at nothing with a shade of what looked to be sadness in his metallic orbs, it only made the adult more alert than he already was.

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