Ordeal after another

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I don't know what title I'm supposed to give this chapter XD


"What are you- Do you know what you're saying...?" Asked Kaito, hoping that by some miracle, Tenma's merely making a dark humorous joke with him.

However, he highly doubted the possibility of this. And unfortunately, Tenma confirmed that he knew exactly what he's saying.

Not an ounce of fakeness could be found in his gaze

"Our story starts back when we were born in Okinawa, to our so-called parents who both had, what others would call, a superiority issue. And because of this, they wanted both me and nii-san to be absolutely perfect. Most important of all, since we were young and full of different opportunities, they wanted to use us to gain fame and money for the family..."


"And so... Here I am now."


Kaito looked absolutely floored.

Tenma wouldn't even say he's looking at him at this point.

The gaze of the adult is just lost. Leaving the brunet waiting for a response.

And he waited.

He waited like an abandoned puppy, waiting for its owner to come back.

And for the first time since the day he found about his brother's death, he's actually playing the awaiting puppy part.

For the longest time, Tenma has played the part of a puppy that has accepted the reality of its abandonment.

A puppy that has long stopped seeking anything from others.

A puppy that isolated itself from everyone else, because the world around him has let him down.

A puppy that has come to realise that the world is full of sins at every corner.

And yet, here he is.

Sitting quietly and waiting.

He was dreading for a response, a reaction, even a blink of an eye!

Anything that could be interpreted as a sign of, well, Tenma actually wasn't sure on what kind of sign any of those gestures would serve a purpose as, but he knew he longed for something to come from Kaito.

Even an insult would serve as a nail to implant reality into the brain of the brunet.

Yet, the situation remained at a stand-still. Neither of them talked or even made a single sound, the only sound they could hear, well, at least Tenma could hear, were the birds chirping outside. Which, by all means, seemed to be chirping too cheerfully.

One might even say they were chirping so cheerfully, just to piss Tenma off

"And so... You blame yourself for you nii-san's death?

"I mean, yeah." 

As much as the brunet wanted to elaborate what he had just said, he found it hard to let the words out of his mouth. He had them all in his head, but his mouth just wasn't functioning to express them.

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