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I've been barely active at all on Wattpad for like a month.

I admit! XD


Once the ace striker heard the voice of his coach directed to him, he came right out of his hiding spot. Not that he was really making an effort at hiding, since all he did was lean against the corridor wall.

Though he is certainly surprised as to when Kidou even noticed him being there, as he made sure to be as silent as possible and normally, it works out perfectly.

Usually he'd never be spotted by anyone, but, really, he should've known better, especially since this is the one and only Kidou Yuuto

"I assume you've heard enough of our conversation."

"From beginning to end, coach."

"In that case, what are your thoughts, Tsurugi?"


For a minute, the said teenager fell silent. Not because he had no opinion, in fact, he had one too many thoughts going through his head at this very moment, but, the problem for him right now is another


"Yes, Tsurugi?"

"I have something else to say about Tenma."

"What is it?"

"He... He's been going to the therapy section in Inazuma hospital for a week now."

At first he thought on how to exactly reveal this to his coach. Maybe he should've been more sensible, but who is he to beat around the bush when having to confess something?

He's an ex-Seed of Fifth Sector. The first Seed to ever dare to rebel against the organisation, of course he's not gonna be sugarcoating things he has to reveal, especially when they're important pieces of information, such as in the case of right now.

As for Kidou, well, let's just say he held onto his poker face more then expertly when Tsurugi revealed this to him. Of course, it's not like he already expected to hear something like this did he keep his poker face firm, but rather because, it's not really anything too out of the ordinary.

Obviously, it's not something one finds out on a day to day basis, but, it's also nothing weird for people to seek therapy help for whatever possible problem they can have. Wether that is stress, mental health problems or even just needing someone they can talk to comfortably

"So? Is that something I'm supposed to be concerned about?" Said Kidou, dismissing this topic by thinking that Tenma's probably going for therapy sessions for minor issues.

Even though, something in his gut told him repeatedly that this was not a small problem at all

"I didn't think much of it at first either, but then I realized that for an entire week, he's been going to the therapy section of the hospital daily, apart from the weekends."

And this, is what set off the panic bomb inside the coach.

Daily therapy sessions? How is this possible? Sure, it is certainly possible for people to get daily therapy sessions, but that's not what the average person opts for. Normally it would be something like twice or three times a week thing, definitely not daily at least.

But, now that Kidou's got this information registered in his head, his brain began to churn and think towards the worst case scenario.

Could Tenma be dealing with depression? Anxiety? Suicidal thoughts!?

Just what in the world does this kid have in order to need daily therapy sessions????

Or, maybe, he's just going to that place to visit someone.

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