A Devil For Love

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Next morning, getting ready for office seemed like an impossible task for Tine. Ryan had cooked breakfast for him before leaving for work. That was his way of saying sorry. Did it really matter how many times you apologize if you're going to repeat the same mistake? Tine looked at his face in the mirror and couldn't see that sparkle he used to have in his eyes, that air of confidence and self assurance he carried earlier had chipped away in all these years. He took a shower and got dressed, making sure to finish the breakfast. Ryan was a really good cook even if he wasn't that good of a human being.

He was busy the entire day running errands for everyone. It irked him so much. He had no problem with working hard. He had done that his entire life. But he wanted to do things of his caliber. He was just like an intern here or you could say below than that. He was just wasting his time running here and there making people coffee or buying papers or delivering messages from one team to another. He didn't understand why was Wat making him do this. Because Wat treated him like he was nothing, everyone in the office treated him like that as well.

After making twentieth cup of coffee today, Tine strode angrily to Wat's cabin. He didn't bother knocking and barged inside startling Wat who was reading a report. Wat surprised expression quickly morphed into one of anger.

"Don't you know how to knock?"

"Why are you doing this?"


"All I do here is make coffee and run errands. That's not why I applied here."

"Look here-"

"Are you doing this because we broke up?"

Tine was really furious and upset. He did nothing to deserve this sort of treatment and he won't just sit back and take it. Why didn't he have this courage in front of Ryan? Maybe because with Wat he knows no matter how angry he gets or how much Wat hates him, Wat would never harm him.

Wat felt his anger rise at such remark, "What did you say?"

"I'm sure you heard it. Grow up, Wat. You're playing with my carreer just because of a breakup? That's really childish of you-"

"Shut up. Don't you dare talk like that. Just a breakup? Wow, you really are something." Wat stood up and walked in front of Tine.

The thought did cross his mind that he should stop talking and get out of there but anger made him blurt out, "Why shouldn't I? What did I do wrong? I did nothing to deserve this sort of treatment from you. Mil always said your anger was irrational an-"

Tine couldn't finish his sentence because Wat had slammed him against the wall holding his arms tightly.

"Don't take his name in front of me." Wat shouted angrily.

Tine felt his entire body tense up. The bruises from yesterday were still fresh and they were hurting like hell right now. He had seen Wat angry but that anger had never been directed at him before and that scared him so much right now. He squirmed to get out of Wat's hold but he just squeezed Tine's arms harder making him wince.

"You're such a shameless person. You really do know how to play with people's feelings. I can't believe I ever loved a jerk like you."

Wat kept shouting at him and it made him desperate to escape. He didn't know the person Wat had become after that day. It had been three years. People change after all. Would Wat hurt him? Emotionally he already had but would he hurt him physically? These thoughts made him tears gather in his eyes. He couldn't stop the sob that escaped from his lips.

"Please let go. It's hurting."

Wat was shocked he hadn't expected Tine to start crying. A part of him felt bad for making him cry. Maybe he was just good at acting like he had been before.

"Stop being melodramatic. It's hurting? What about how you hurt others?"

"I didn't hurt anyone. Please stop shouting at me."


That made Tine cry even more. He just wanted to leave and never come back. Wat released Tine and took a step back. Tine kept rubbing his arms. Wat felt guilty at losing his composure like that. No matter their past, Tine was still his employee and he shouldn't have manhandled him like that. Did he grab him too tightly? Was he crying because he's in pain? Did it hurt that much? Wat took out his handkerchief and handed it to Tine.

"You may have rest of the day off. Leave now."

Tine scrambled out of the office and rushed back home. He took off his shirt and examined the bruises. They looked all purple and black. He applied medicine again and curled on the bed to rest. The day had been too emotionally exhausting for him. He didn't cry because of wounds. Wat wasn't clutching him tight enough to make him cry.

Seeing Wat regret loving him was what made him break down like that. Wat not loving him anymore was something he had learned to accept in these years but knowing that Wat hates him so vehemently and their relationship was a mistake to him, hurts like hell. Tine wondered what was it about him that made people hurt and leave him.

When he had met Wat again, he had thought maybe Wat would give some excuse as to why he broke up with him like that and Tine could maybe try to understand that and it may make some sense. They may not get back together but they could at least find a closure and be friends. Maybe he could tell Wat about Ryan and he may help him. Was it really stupid expecting someone to help him? Did it make him weak and pathetic? Fighting back, maybe Tine could do that but he needed someone to have his back. He wished that someone would be Wat. It was stupid of him to even hope for that.

It has to be him. He has to save himself. No one was coming to save him. And though he knew that very well it still wasn't that easy. Had he grown accustomed to it? Abuse seemed so normal now that getting away from it seemed bothersome. Then again as long as he followed rules, Ryan wouldn't hurt him. But was he going to live his entire life like that? He couldn't, right?

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