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Next morning was worse than both of them could've imagined. Tine didn't remember a thing from last night after he crashed at Jake's place and Wat could see realisation and anger mare his features as he registered the pain in his lower back. He took in the undressed state he was in and looked at Wat lying next to him in equally compromising position looking guilty as hell and immediately put two and two together.

"You jerk. What did you do to me last night?"

"Tine, let me explain-"

"You are such a freak. You took advantage of me."

"I didn't. Tine, listen to me-"

"I can't believe this. I thought you were a good guy and I should give you a second chance and you did this to me."

"No, please-"

"Why can't I remember anything at all? I didn't drink that much. Did you drug me?"

"Of course not. It was Jake."

"Woah, now you are blaming my friend?"

"It's true. I went to his place yesterday to get you and you were completely out of it. He had drugged you."

"Why did you go to his place? I told you I was staying with him for the night. Who do you think you're to meddle in my personal life?"

"Because I was worried about you. Jake isn't a good person but you can't see that. "

"Oh please, if you're saving me from Jake then why the hell did you take advantage of me?"

"That..... I...... You wanted it-" Wat knew that was wrong thing to say.

"Woah, great. I wanted it? I was freaking drugged. Don't you get that?"

"Tine, I'm sorry. Let me explain it please."

"Explain what? How you molested me?"

Wat was at complete loss of words. He hadn't expected this reaction and he was scared that he had lost his one and only chance with Tine and worst of all it was entirely his fault.

"You're disgusting. I want you to get out and never talk to me again. GO."


"Get Lost."

Wat scrambled out of the door leaving behind an angry and hurt Tine. He was angry and scared right now. The fact that his close friend had drugged him and almost raped him was making him freak out. Why did he always end up being a victim? What was it about him that made him an easy target? Why do people always try to hurt him? He had been anything but kind to Jake so why did he do that to him? Being betrayed over and over again was making him bitter.

He couldn't believe he had done it with Wat last night. A part of him was thrilled and another part was furious. It wasn't anything less than taking advantage of him since he wasn't in his right mind. He had thought at least Wat won't do that to him but he wasn't sure anymore. He wasn't sure whom to trust or whether he could even trust anyone ever again. He wanted to just curl up and block out the world.

It had been 5 days and Tine hadn't talked to Wat after that morning. In office they maintained their distance and at home, Tine hardly went out of his apartment. Wat had called and texted him few times to apologize but received no response. It was killing him to see Tine like this so he decided to go to his apartment. He had thought giving Tine space would make him come to terms with the things but it didn't look like that.

Tine was drinking coffee when the door bell rang. He opened the door and almost shut it again when he saw Wat standing there.

"Tine, listen to me."

"What do you want?"

"I want to say something."

"I don't want to listen to that."

"Last time. I won't trouble you after this."

Tine contemplated for a while, "Okay."

He opened the door wider and Wat came inside taking a seat on the couch.

"Say whatever you've to and leave."

"I'm sorry."

"Leave now."

"I'm really sorry."

"Are you done?"

"I didn't mean to take advantage of you but it doesn't change the fact that I did. You were drugged and I knew you weren't in your right mind still I did that to you. It's despicable and you've every right to hate me. I could say that you gave me your consent but in that situation it didn't matter. You weren't thinking straight so your consent meant nothing and I should have stopped then and there but I didn't. I should've controlled myself and let you sleep it off.

At first I was annoyed with you. I couldn't understand why were you being angry with me. You asked for it and even enjoyed it so what was the problem. It took me a while to understand what I did wrong. It took me some time to fathom what it must be like to wake up and have no idea what happened last night. How scary it must be waking up like that beside your ex. Even your boyfriend doesn't have right to do that to you and we don't even have any relationship yet I took advantage of you like that.

I'm disgusted with myself, Tine. I wanted to protect you from Jake but I ended up doing the same thing. I can't look myself in eye after what I did to you. I really love you and want to do my best to make you happy but I always end up hurting you. I definitely don't deserve you. I won't ask you to forgive me. You can file a case if you want to. I'll do whatever you want. Whatever decision you make, I'll comply with it. I'll confess to the police if you want me to,Tine."

Tine just stood there soaking in the words. He didn't know what to say to that. He hadn't expected Wat to say all that. Some of his anger left but resentment still clogged major part of his being. An apology and understanding didn't change the facts. Being used like that by someone he had started to trust again was like a punch to his gut and damn it hurt like hell.

"Let me know what you decide."

Hours after Wat had left, Tine sat there pondering over everything that had happened and he reached a decision. It was going to shake up their world but it needed to be done. He couldn't just ignore the problem and hope it would go away. He needed to deal with it on a proper way so that he could move on with his life. He just hoped he had made the right decision.

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