Between Lies and Truth

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Tine was writing the report when Jake came to him holding a cup of coffee, "Tine, let's take a break."

"...... "

"Tine? Why are you ignoring me?"

"Get lost."

"What happened? "

"Are you freaking serious? I don't wanna create a scene in office so leave me alone."

"Let's talk after work."

In evening, Tine reluctantly made his way to the cafe where Jake was waiting for him. Putting off this confrontation won't do him any good but he still wasn't ready to come to terms with the fact that his best friend had betrayed him in worst possible way. He felt violated and ashamed to have been fooled so easily. In fact he should be shouting and beating the crap out of Jake and drag him to police station yet all he had done was shut himself in his apartment like a coward.

"Tine, I'm glad you agreed to talk to me."

"How could you do that to me?"

"That's the point, Tine. I did nothing. Why are you so angry with me?"

"You drugged me."

"What? No, I didn't. Why would I?"

"Don't lie to me. I know everything. You tried to rape me."

"Woah woah calm down buddy. I did no such thing. We drank at my place and I showed you to the guest room when Sarawat started banging on the door and when I opened the door he demanded to see you. I was shocked, Tine. I didn't understand why was he at my place and why was he looking for you at such an hour.

I asked him why was he there but he pushed me aside and started searching for you. When he found you he just dragged you out of my place. I tried to stop him but he said he was going to make me pay. I didn't understand what the hell was going on."

"He came to save me."

"Save you? From whom? Me?"

"Yes. You drugged me."

"No, I didn't. We both drank straight from the same bottle. And why would I even drug you? I have a girlfriend whom I love very much. As a matter of fact, we got engaged. I'll admit you are cute but I don't swing that way."

"I don't trust you, Jake. Don't lie to me anymore."

"Look Tine, all these months we had been friends have I ever hurt you in any way? Physically or emotionally? Even as a joke?"


"Have I ever done anything inappropriate? I admit I hug you a lot but that's my habit. You must have noticed that's how I'm with everyone. I don't have any feelings for you other than friendship."


"You have stayed at my place numerous times. Have I done anything to you? Have I ever taken advantage of you?"


"I had even planned for you to meet my girlfriend. She was so excited but you started ignoring me out of blue. I was so baffled, Tine. In the middle of night my boss comes to my place and drags my best friend with him while threatening me to keep my mouth shut and next day my best friend starts ignoring me completely and accuses me of drugging and almost raping him. I don't know what to think."

Tine was at loss of words. Everything Jake said made sense yet nothing was registering in his brain.

"Let me call Tanya." Jake dialed Tanya's number and she picked on third ring. He put the phone on speaker.

"Hey babe."

"Hi, what are you doing?"

"Was organizing stuff for upcoming fashion show. What about you? Everything okay at work? Tine still isn't talking with you?"

"Well, yeah kind of."

"Did you upset him? I'm dying to meet him. He sounds like such a great guy. You said I could meet him that day he had stayed at your place but he left early."

"Don't worry, I'll ask him later."

"Okay gotta go. Bye. Love you."

"Love you too." He cut the call.

"Do you believe me now? Why would I tell my girlfriend about you if I wanted to cheat on her? Why would I agree for you guys to meet?"

"I don't know that but-"

"What's going on between you and Sarawat?"


"Then why did he come for you?"

"That's..... I... "

"I don't trust him. I'm assuming it's him who told you that I drugged you? He's definitely lying to you."

"Why would he?"

"I did notice that hickey on your neck that wasn't there that night. You guys did it, right? He's the one who took advantage of you. He's the one who drugged you."

"He won't do something like that."

"Just think, Tine. Let's assume I'm the one who drugged you and he came here to save you then why the hell did he do that to you? Does that make sense to you? He saw an opportunity and took advantage of it."


"Now he's firing me."


"Yeah, he threatened me today to keep my mouth shut and not tell anyone what actually happened that night. After he took you, I called you many times and I even came to your apartment but no one opened the door so I thought you're sleeping."


"Tine, I don't think Sarawat is a good guy. You should stay away from him. He's manipulative and cunning."

"Jake, that's not true. Whatever happened that night between us was just-"

"It was wrong. You weren't in your right mind and he used you. You know there's rumor in the company that he's the biggest playboy."

"I have never heard of that."

"Because you hardly talk with people. He's using your vulnerability against you. If he actually cared about you, ge would have not done that."

"I think I should go now."

"Tine think carefully about everything. I only want best for you. If you don't trust me then I can't do anything. But I'll advice you to be careful of Sarawat. He can be ruthless and cunning when it comes to his own needs. Business world is full of stories regarding him and trust me most of them aren't good."

Sitting in his room, Tine felt scared and lonely. Was it all true? Did Wat do that to him? Whom to trust? Jake's explanation did make sense. But how could he trust Jake? Then again how could he trust Wat either? Only Jake and Wat knew what was the truth. Wat did take advantage of him but the real question is who drugged him? Was it Jake, his best friend? Or Sarawat, his ex? Could he trust any of them? He didn't think so. At the moment he hated both of them.

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