Rendezvous In The Office

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"I think he's cheating on you."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I saw him with a guy yesterday in a cafe."

"Maybe he went with a friend."

"He was smiling a lot."

"He smiles a lot."

"No, he doesn't. He looked really happy."

"So? He should be happy with his friends."

"They were staring at each other with love in their eyes."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, they were even feeding each other."

Tine raised an eyebrow, "Hm. Are you sure it was my boyfriend?"

"Yes, I'm sure. I think you should leave him."

"By the way, who are you?"

"I'm your well wisher."

"Maybe I should leave him. But then I'll be lonely."

"Isn't it better than being with him?"

Tine pouted in dismay, "No, I like cuddles and kisses. Who'll give them to me?"

"I'm sure you can find someone willing."

"But he needs to be really handsome. I like pretty face."

"You only care about looks?"

"So? My boyfriend has a heart to match that face of his."

"You love him a lot?"


"Then show him."

"How should I show it to him?" Tine asked seductively.

"You could start with a kiss and take it from there. " Sarawat replied as Tine straddled him. He loved teasing Tine because he was absolutely cute when he was flustered and excited.

They have been inseparable and Tine has been possessive over Wat after the party and it was cute to watch. Possessive Tine was simply adorable. Wat loved seeing this side of Tine that he had never seen before not even when they were dating in college. Tine was over his insecurities and held himself with confidence and he loved acting like a baby at times and it was such sight to watch. Their relationship has progressed a lot over past few months and they could communicate better now that they have put their trust in each other.

Tine took care of Wat and let himself be babied by Wat too. They were in sync with each other's emotional needs as well. Tine insisted on making lunch for him and came to his office to give it to him. Sarawat did tell him he didn't have to come all the way here, he could pack it for him in the morning but Tine insisted. He said he was staking his claim. And sometimes he literally claimed him. That's what happened last Friday when Tine came with the lunch and looked completely delectable.

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