Fall Into A Routine

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Tine was blushing while typing the report in the office. He couldn't believe he had asked Wat to sleep with him in his bed. It had been a spontaneous decision and he wasn't sure whether it was right one. When he saw Wat almost passed out in front of his apartment, it almost made his heart sank. Wat always overdid it when he was working on anything.

Skipping meals and sleep was something he did too frequently and it made him so sad to think no one was telling him eat on time, no one was taking care of him, no one was there to make sure he slept well. It made him sad and angry. At whom his anger was directed, he wasn't sure. Him? Sarawat? Who knows. Taking care of him last night felt like most natural think to do.

Asking him to sleep there was an afterthought. He hasn't planned on saying that. He was just going to make sure Wat took meds and then ask him to leave but it scared him to think no one would know if he fainted again in his apartment. We all crave independence , living alone seem like freedom though at times it's just lonely. How utterly sad it is to think you could be dying there and no one would even know?

Things took quite a turn when they got in bed. Now Tine admires himself for having impeccable self control but it's all in vain when it comes to Wat. Wat has a hold over him and though he hates it at times, he loves it as much. They ended up kissing. More like a make out session and Tine was kinda embarrassed to say he was the one who started it.

It wasn't entirely his fault, Wat looked so damn vulnerable it was hard not to pounce on him. Thankfully Wat stopped it from getting any further. Time would have definitely regretted it in the morning and hated himself. Even though it was just a kiss, he couldn't get it out of his head. Nothing related to Wat ever left his head and it didn't help that Wat was unbelievably good at it. It figuratively set his body on fire whenever Wat touched him.

"What has got you blushing like that?Jake, his colleague asked.

"N-nothing. "

"Had a wild night?"


"Oh come on. Don't lie. Your face says it all."

"It's not like that." Tine went back to his work while mentally scolding himself for blushing like that.

In evening, Tine was packing his stuff to leave for home when Jake asked him, "Let's get dinner together."


They went to restaurant near their office and ordered their food. While waiting for the food they got talking about themselves. Though they were colleagues they hadn't talked much before.

"So Tine got any significant other?"

"No, I recently broke up with my boyfriend."

"You are gay?"



"What about you?"

"I have a girlfriend, Tanya."

"Oh, how long have you guys been dating?"

"Two years."


They talked some more while eating and parted around 9 pm. Tine was glad to have made a friend. Office life had been a bit lonely till now and so was his personal life. It felt good to have a friend. Jake was such a nice person. They had a lot in common. Tine arrived at his apartment soon and took a shower before hitting the bed. He wondered for a brief moment how Wat was doing. He couldn't just go to his apartment and ask. It would be weird. Tine tried to sleep but he couldn't. He decided to give him a call.

"Hey Tine. Is everything okay?" Wat was surprised to see Tine calling him.


"Do you need something?"


"Okay. Did you eat?"


Wat wasn't sure what to talk about. He was happy that Time had called him. He wanted to talk about lot of things with him but was scared Tine would cut the call if he said anything wrong.

"Did you eat?" Tine asked.

"Not yet. I had this file to-"

"Are you an idiot?"


"Did you really pass all your exams? Or did you cheat?"


"You seem too stupid."

"Huh?" Wat was baffled.

"Come here."


"To moon. "

"..... "

"Come to my apartment."


"Do I have to repeat myself?"

"No. I'm coming."

Things went pretty same like they did on Saturday night. Tine cooked for Wat, they had dinner while Wat rambled about something or the other and Tine asked Wat to sleep in his bed. It felt like Tine was lonely and he needed someone to lean on. Wat wasn't complaining. If he needed company, Wat was ready to give that and when he needed space, Wat would give him that too.

This became their routine. Eating dinner together and then sleeping. They didn't kiss after that first night though cuddling and spooning did happen regularly. They never talked about what was going on or what was this between them. They weren't ready to give it name or label their relationship. It was easy and warm right now and it was enough for them. There was no expectations and disappointment between them at this point and Tine liked it this way. At least for now. Until he could understand what he actually wanted.

Tine had grown quite close to Jake and helped him a lot whenever he had any issue with his girlfriend. Like today they were going out to buy a gift for Tanya. They scoured malls and gift shops and after buying the gift they had coffee. Though he enjoyed Jake's company, it kinda felt uncomfortable because Jake was touchy. An arm around his shoulder or waist sometimes, pinching his cheeks, hugging him, patting his head, ruffling his hair, once he caressed his cheeks which kinda felt weird. His hugs kept getting longer and tighter.

Maybe he was overthinking this. It wasn't like he was such a great catch that people would hit on him. And Jake already had a gf so he was most definitely definitely straight. He could be a bi but it didn't seem like that. And Jake had been really sweet to him all this while and he talks a lot about his gf which shows he loves her a lot. If he wanted to hit on Time, why would he even mention his gf? It was all in his head.

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