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"Do you really trust him, Tine?"

"Jake, I don't own an explanation to you. I only called you to tell you to stay away from me."

"What the hell? How could you do this to your best friend?"

"Best friend? You drugged me. I felt hot and weird when I was at your place. That's when I almost blacked out."

"He's doing you, isn't he?"

"Shut up. You have no right to talk to me like that."

"Oh please, I should have realized sooner. That's how you got the job, right?"

"What? No-"

"I'm disgusted, Tine. I didn't know you sleep around."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"It's obvious why you got this job. You guys even went on that business trip together, didn't you?"

"That's entirely different matter. I have nothing going on with Wat."

"Oh, you even call him with a nickname."


"Save it. I don't wanna talk to you anymore."

And with that said Jake hung up the call. Tine was bewildered, he should be the one getting angry and throwing insults instead he was at the receiving end. At least this proved that Jake was a nasty guy and Wat had been right. Coming to Wat, things were a bit complicated between them. In heat of the moment, he had said that Wat should take care of him but now that he had full attention of Wat, it was bit overwhelming. Maybe in these years he had forgotten what a caring boyfriend Wat was.

He practically lived at Tine's place, cooking meals for him, doing the household work and cuddling at night. Though Tine refused to think about it, they were practically like boyfriends. It still seemed scary to give name to this relationship between them. It seemed okay the way it was right now, complicating it would do no good. He was wondering whether to tell Wat about things Jake had said to him but thought better of it.

It was Monday morning when things took a turn for worst. Of course Jake wouldn't keep his mouth shut. He had spread the rumor that Time and Wat were sleeping together and that's how Time got his job and as you know how much people love gossiping, it spread like a wildfire. Time walked in at 9 am and could feel the uneasy atmosphere around him. No one said anything to him directly but hushed whispers and skeptical glances were enough to clue him in yet he couldn't decipher the reason for all this.

"Hey Tine, good morning."

"Good morning, Amanda."

"How was your weekend?"

"It was good. What about yours?"

"It was fine but had a lot of reports to work on. It must be easy for you."

"Huh? "

"You're so good at your work. I bet you have no trouble getting it on, right?"

Tine was confused as to what that meant, "I guess."

"This is your first job, right?" Another colleague, Jason asked.

"Yeah, I had interned before but this is my first job."

"And yet you're pretty good at it."

Tine blushed at the compliment, "Thanks."

"You really know how to please your superiors. That's a talent." Amanda said.


"What do you think of our boss?"


"Sarawat Sir."

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