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Things went back to how they used to be. Tine got rid of all of Ryan's stuff and had restraining order against him. Wat tried to keep out of Tine's life as much he could. Though he found hard to stay away from Tine, he did his best to respect his wish. Working together made Wat realize how hard working and dedicated Tine was. Being level headed he handled the projects given to him smoothly and perfectly. Wat was quite impressed with Tine's work and behavior. Polite and friendly, that's how everyone described him. As far as Wat had observed and he did lot of that when it came to Tine, he had blended in with his colleagues and was quite popular.

Tine totally ignored Wat at work and was relieved when Wat did the same. He had been a bit anxious about returning to work but everything seemed normal. He was getting used to a life without Ryan. A life without fear and pain. And to be honest it felt great. He was beating himself up thinking why didn't he do this earlier. He should have and it was quite stupid and cowardly of him not to. Though he would never admit it in front of Wat, he was extremely grateful to him. God knows what would have happened to him had Wat not forced him to go to police.

It had been a month since Ryan was charged with assault and sentenced to jail. Tine and Wat hardly saw each other even though they lived in the same building. Wat had been working late hours recently to close a deal and skipping meals every now and then. When he was immersed in work, food kinda slipped his mind. After finishing the file he left for his apartment. He had been feeling kinda dizzy since he had skipped lunch and dinner. He walked out of the elevator and somehow dragged himself to his apartment. Suddenly he felt searing headache and everything went black.

He groggily opened his eyes and looked around. Everything still seemed shaky and his head was throbbing too much, but he mustered strength to get up from the couch which definitely didn't belong to him. He wasn't sure where he was and was about to leave when a voice stopped him.

"Where are you going?"

Wat was astonished, "Tine?"

"Get back on the couch."

"But..... What?"

"I saw you faint right in front of your door and brought you inside."

His heart skipped a beat but then he thought Tine must've just taken pity on him, "Oh, thanks. I'll leave now."

"Sit down."

"Tine, it's okay. I'm fine now."

"Sarawat, sit your ass down right now."

Wat may not admit it but bossy Tine was hot, "Okay."

Sitting down kinda eased his nausea. Tine brought the porridge and made him eat it.

"It's fine. I don't feel like eating right now. I'll eat later."

"Did I ask you?"


"Then shut up and eat."

And he did. How could he ever say no to Tine. After finishing the bowl, he tried to get up but was pushed down by Tine.

"Take medicine."

"Tine, I don't take medicine usually. It gets better on its own."

"You keep talking like I'm interested in what you've to say." Tine rolled his eyes.

'God, sassy Tine was on whole new level.' Wat thought.

He obediently took meds without any complaints.

"Get changed and sleep."

"W-what?" Wat spluttered on the water he had been drinking.

"Are you slow witted?"


"You are sick so just sleep here for tonight. Who knows you may end up dead in your apartment."

"I will be fine-"

Tine scoffed, "Yeah right. When was the last time you ate?"

"In morning."

"I mean proper meal. Not protein bars."

"I was kinda busy so-"

"Excuses. You are just irresponsible."

"Look I'm grateful for your help. I don't want to cause you anymore trouble-"

"You talk too much. Just do as I say. Tomorrow is weekend anyway."


"Can't you just sleep with me?"

Wat choked on air, "I.... Uh huh......well.... "

"You know what I mean. Your mind went to dirty thoughts, didn't it?"


"Don't lie. I saved you from dying today and if you end up dying in your room it would be waste of my efforts so just rest here so I can keep an eye on you."

"If you insist. I'll sleep on the couch."

"You are sick. Sleep on bed." Tine argued.


"Oh god, you're annoying as hell."

"I feel guilty making you sleep on couch."

"Why would I sleep on the couch?"


Tine frowned, "Are you sure you aren't dumb?"

"You've been insulting me since I woke up."

"You deserve every one of them."

"Maybe. So you're saying we both will sleep on the same bed?"

"Yeah. It's big enough for two people."

Wat repeated again in disbelief, "On the same bed?"

"It's feels like I'm talking to a toddler."

"It's just that.... I don't k-"

"Stop forcing your brain to think when it has never done that before."

So that's how both of them ended sleeping side by side on the same bed in Tine's apartment. Wat was too confused to sleep. Nothing made sense to him. Tine taking care of him was believable to an extent since Tine always had soft and kind heart but letting him sleep in his bed was beyond his comprehension. What was Tine actually thinking? He wasn't sure but unwittingly it made him hope for a future.

Monday morning

Wat reached his office and was greeted by his best friend and colleague, Mew. They started talking about the business deal when Mew stopped in mid sentence.

Wat looked at him puzzled, "What happened?"

"That's what I wanna ask you."

"What do you mean?"

"Why do you have a hickey on your neck?"

"Is it visible? Are others too?"

"Others? You have more? Who the hell did you hook up this weekend?"

"It wasn't a hook up."



"Was it-"

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