A Date That Went Wrong

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Wat ignored Tine for next few days. Things were pretty normal between them as much as it could be. Tine wasn't just an errand boy now. Wat had ordered everyone to not order him around for minimal jobs. He was given few responsibilities that were upto the par with his qualifications. Wat still hated Tine but he wasn't going to turn into a despicable person just because of that. He was still going to make Tine accept his mistake but it won't be in this way.

Tine was quite surprised at such changes. He hadn't expected this turn of events after that day. He was glad that he could finally do the things he was here for. He was getting ready for his date with Ryan. They were going for dinner. Ryan had been in good mood lately and for Tine that was a good thing.

"Tine, are you ready?"

"Yes, I'm coming."

Ryan checked out Tine, "You look cute, darling."

"Thanks Sir

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"Thanks Sir."

"Since we are going out you can drop Sir and call me by my name. "


They reached the restaurant and ordered the dishes, more like Ryan ordered for both of them. Tine wasn't miffed because of that at all. He was used to it by now and Ryan knew what his favorite dishes were so it wasn't that big of a deal. They were munching on the food and talking about what had happened at Ryan's office when Tine saw Sarawat enter the restaurant.

He felt his heart drop. Of all time it had to be now. He hoped Wat wouldn't notice them and they could leave quietly but luck wasn't on his side. Wat's gaze locked with his and he smirked at the fear in Tine's eyes. He made his way towards them slowly like he had all the time in the world. Wat reached their table and greeted them.

"Oh, what a pleasant surprise, Tine."

"Good morning, Sir." Tine replied nervously.

Ryan turned to look at Wat and though he was smiling and greeting the man, Tine could detect the annoyance that was radiating from him.

"You won't mind if I join you guys, right?"

Tine wished he could just get up and run away. Ryan smiled and gestured for Wat to take seat and as if his presence alone wasn't enough of trouble, Wat chose to sit beside Tine. Ryan didn't let his anger show and was quite friendly to Wat.

"How long have you guys been dating?" Wat asked in a cheery tone.

Ryan replied in equally exuberant tone, "It's been almost 3 years, right darling?"


"Wow, that's great. You both look cute together."

"Thank you, Sir." Tine replied politely.

"Oh Tine, I have told you to not call me Sir when we aren't at office. You can call me by that nickname, Wat."

Tine gulped nervously, though Wat had never told him anything like that, still to Ryan it must look like they were quite close and things like that never sat well with him. Ryan took jealousy to whole another level. It was more of an obsession and it never ended well for Tine. Ryan didn't like when people even looked at Tine longer than necessary but he can't stop others from looking at him so he made sure to take out his anger on Tine. If someone talked to him or texted him, Ryan made sure to punish him extra hard that day.

Heaven forbid if anyone touched him even in completely innocent way, Ryan would be like a beast that day. According to Ryan, it was all Tine's fault. He was the one beckoning them that's why people made a move on him. He didn't even let his own friends meet Tine. Tine was mentally preparing himself for what was going to happen at home. Wat seemed hellbent on creating problems for him. He had stopped messing with Tine at office so now he was going to mess his relationship.

"I don't think that would be appropriate, Mr. Rusthana." Ryan said.

"Don't be so formal after all we are all friends. You can call me Sarawat."


"So tell me does Tine still snore when he's too tired?" Wat asked out of blue.

Tine felt the entire mood shift drastically. He could feel himself shaking and sweating in absolute fear.

"Excuse me? How do you know that?" Ryan asked.

"Oh, maybe Tine didn't tell you, we used to d-"

"We used to be roommates." Tine cut him off immediately.

"Oh, such a coincidence." Ryan said suspiciously.

"Yeah, twist of fate I would say. When I saw Tine's resume I was quite surprised and happy to be able to meet him again after 3 years."

"Yes, I was surprised too when I knew it was your company." Tine tried to smooth things over.

"Yes, I was quite shocked to know that you got a new boyfriend."

The silence that hung in air was terrifying for one, satisfying for the other and annoying for the third.


"When I was your roommate, you dated someone else at that time, right?"


"So why did you break up with him?"

"It's.... It just h-happened."

"From what I had seen you both were so much in love."

Tine didn't say anything because he was too scared to talk now, "I t-think we s-should leave n-now. It's g-getting l-late."

"So soon? Let's enjoy ourselves a little more, baby. It's fun talking with Sarawat." Ryan said with a smile.

"I like your company too, Ryan. I'm sure Tine tells you everything. You guys look like you trust each other completely."

"Of course. Tine tells me everything little thing. We've a very trusting and healthy relationship. Tine is such sweet and innocent baby. He could never betray me." Ryan looked at Tine with such tender look in his eyes.

Wat felt jealousy course through his veins. It irked him that this guy got to look at Tine like that. He wanted to punch the guy in front of him but had no right to. He wanted to shout at Tine for moving into a new relationship as soon as they broke up. That's how easy it was for Tine to forget about him.

"That's really sweet. I'm glad Tine had finally settled down. He used to date around a lot in past."

"What do you mean by that?"

"I'm sorry but I meant no offense. Tine had too many flings when we were roommates. Every week a new guy. At times he dated two or three guys at same time. I was worried he won't ever stay faithful to one guy. But I'm glad he met you."

"My Tine isn't like that. He is the most loyal and committed bf I could ask for. This relationship is the best thing that had happened to me. It offends me when you talk like that about my boyfriend. Whatever his past was doesn't matter to me. He is with me right now and that's the only thing that matters. I think we should leave now." Ryan got up and left with Tine.

Wat scoffed at his words. Loyal? Committed? Maybe he would wake up when Tine betrays him too. Wat hadn't planned to do this but when he saw Tine on a date with his new bf, he wanted to hurt him just like he was hurting. Wat could forgive Tine for moving on but not for cheating on him. Maybe if he had genuinely apologized Wat could at least move on but Tine continued to act like it was all Wat's fault. He hated that he was still stuck in past while Tine had moved on with his life. It made him feel like a fool. A pathetic fool.

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