Voiceless Scream

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Numb. That's how Tine felt after everything was over. He was lying on the floor still in clothes he had worn to the date with tears sweat and blood staining them. Nothing was broken, at least physically. Ryan had lost his temper the moment the stepped inside, beating and punching him until his anger subsided. Tine did try to fight back in the beginning but it was futile. It hurt more when he resisted so he just stopped fighting. Tine hadn't gone to office for 3 days. He could hardly go to the bathroom without falling down.

Ryan didn't take care of him this time. Everytime he beat Tine up, he would take care of him afterwards but not this time. He was too angry to even look at Tine. He had gone to his friend's house maybe because he hadn't been back since that day. Tine mustered up some strength and got up slowly. He gingerly took shower being careful to not open up the cuts again. He applied medicine and took few painkillers to at least numb the pain. He was feeling light headed and weak. He had to eat something else he was going to collapse. He wasn't in condition to cook so he ordered the food and gobbled it down.

Tine felt nauseous and quickly ran to bathroom and threw up the food. He had apparently eaten too fast after not eating for so long. He dragged his body to the bedroom and crashed on the bed. It was morning when he woke up and felt a little better than yesterday so he decided to cook something simple to heal himself. He hadn't gone to office for 4 days and had received calls from his colleagues and HR. He wasn't sure what should he do. Could he continue to work there? He hadn't talked to Ryan after that night but he was sure Ryan wouldn't let him work there anymore.
Thank goodness, he didn't know Wat was his ex, else God knows what he would've done.

He needed to at least inform them regarding his leave. He mailed the HR and his supervisor for one week leave claiming sickness. It was rejected immediately and Tine knew it must be because of Wat. He couldn't go back yet. He wasn't in condition to work. Thankfully his face was completely fine since Ryan never hit him at places that was visible to others. He had just finished his meal when he received a call from Wat.

"Why the hell are you not coming to office?"

"Sir, I am very sick and I did apply for the leave but it was rejected."

"I'm the one who rejected it. Do you think you're in school? You can take leave whenever you feel like?"

"I'm sorry, Sir but I'm not in condition to come to office. I'll report back as soon as I recover."

"You are coming back tomorrow at all cost."

"But Si-"

"I don't want to listen to any excuses."

Tine stared at the phone in dismay. He had no choice but to go back tomorrow. At least he was better than before. Next day, he reached the office and was summoned by the HR department. He was warned to not take leave without informing anyone. He was asked to report to Wat and Tine was dreading that the most. Though his behavior had improved drastically in last few weeks but after what had happened at the restaurant he was sure Wat still hated him very much. He knocked at the door and entered inside.

"You look completely fine to me. What was that flimsy excuse of being sick?" Wat sneered.

"I have gotten better." Tine gathered it would be futile arguing with him.

"Don't treat this job as a joke. Lots of people would be glad to have this opportunity."

"Yes Sir."

"We are leaving for London today. Go and back your things."

"What?" Tine was shocked.

"Are you deaf? There's a business meeting and contract signing. We need to leave immediately."

"You didn't tell me before. How can-"

"You don't need to know anything. I command, you obey."

"But sir, I can't just leave like that."

"Worried about your boyfriend?"

"That's not the issue here."

"I'm sure he can manage without you for a week."

"That's not what I meant. I can't-"

"I don't care what's your problem. It's in your job profile so do it. You are going to accompany me on this business trip."

"At least I should have been informed few days before."

"Inform? Do I need to inform you? Do I report to you, Mr. Teepakorn?"

"No, Sir bu-"

"ENOUGH. I don't wanna hear anything else. Get ready immediately."

Wat watched Tine dash out of the office in anger but he knew Tine was going to do what he had asked of him. Those 4 days when Tine hadn't come to office had Wat worried as hell. He wanted to go to Tine's apartment but decided it would make him look pathetic. What would he say once when Tine Or Ryan opened the door? He couldn't make up any excuse. He knew something must have happened between Tine and Ryan. Maybe they fought because of what Wat had said or could it be that they broke up? Did that make him happy? He wasn't sure. He had to go on a business trip and on whim he decided to take Tine with him. It was definitely going to be fun.

They left for airport in afternoon and soon boarded the plane to London. Tine was squirming and fidgeting beside Wat in the business class. Wat realized maybe he had never flown in plane before. Tine looked anxious and on the verge of passing out when the plane was about to take off so Wat did something he knew he shouldn't. He grasped Tine's hands on his his and held tightly while murmuring soothing words in his ear. Tine turned his head in surprise and gazed intensely in Wat's caramel brown eyes.

They looked as deep as he remembered. The internet intensity with which Wat stared at him all those years ago was still there. Their faces were so close that Tine could count his eyelashes. They were quite long something he was envious of. Those freckled pn his nose were cute back then but now they looked seductive. And those lips, Tine knew he was staring intently at Wat's lips while he was saying something. He wasn't paying attention to his words. All he could see was those red plump lips that he had kissed countless times but couldn't anymore.

And that made him angry. Who's fault was it that he couldn't be with Wat anymore? Wat did this to them. They were so happy together and he had destroyed that. Tine had loved Wat with everything he had and yet he was left behind. He was angry and hurt and there was some other emotion he couldn't decipher so he did what was really stupid thing to do and he knew he was going to regret it. Both of them. Tine leaned forward and kissed Wat on lips.

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