Taking It Too Far

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Things were a bit tense between Wat and Tine for past couple of days. Tine refused to go to office and Wat couldn't force him to if he wasn't ready and to be honest he had no trouble giving some time to Tine to sort out things in his head but the way he had been acting was getting on his nerves. He understood that Tine had been through worst things anyone could ever go through and Wat was absolutely ready to give him all the emotional support he needed but it hurt when Tine kept pushing him away.

They were boyfriends now and in a relationship everything was going to affect both of them. The way Tine brushed him aside saying it doesn't affect him kinda hurt a lot. He had been patient and caring towards Tine yet he was adamant on putting distance between them. All he would do is sit in his room or go out till late. Worse thing he wouldn't even tell Wat where he was going, it's not like Wat wants to know his whereabouts every second of a day but he can't help but worry about Tine's safety.

It was 11 pm when Tine came back to the apartment where Wat was already waiting for him in the living room. Tine looked a bit tipsy as he stumbled over the couch landing right beside Wat.

"Where were you?" Wat asked.

"Why do you wanna know?"

"Tine, it's just a simple question. Answer it."

Tine rolled his eyes, "I don't want to."

"Tine, I was worried about you. At least answer your phone."

"Why should I?"

"Because I'm your boyfriend."

"So? Do I need to report to you about everything? Are you my boss? Wait, you are."

"Tine, stop being sarcastic. I'm only worried about your safety that's why I called you so many times."

"I'm fine as you can see."

"Yeah, but it is dangerous-"

"I can take care of myself."

"I know you can, bub. I just-"

"Stop annoying me, Wat."

"I didn't mean to do that. You won't come back to office?"



"Because I hate it there."

"Okay, you don't have to if you don't want to. You can apply in another company. I'm sure you'll get in-"

"I don't want to."

"Huh? Are you saying you won't work anymore?"



"Because I don't want to anymore."

"Tine, I understand that it had been too stressful for you but you need to work."

"I won't."

"Do you wanna continue your studies? You could get a PhD if you want. We can manage that."

"Nah, not interested."

"Do you need a break? I think it would do you better. Take a year off and relax."

"Wat, I am not going to work again ever."

"But why?"

"Because that's my decision. You won't support me?"

"That's not what I meant, Tine. But what about bills and-"

"I'll get a sugar daddy."

"TINE." Wat stood up suddenly, anger pulsing through his veins as he glared at his boyfriend who looked surprised at his outburst.

"Why are you shouting at me?"

"Are you really asking me that? How dare you say that?"


"I'm done with this shit. Stop being hot and cold all the time. One moment you look at me with loving eyes and the next moment my presence annoys you. I don't understand you at all and trust me I have tried hard enough to understand you. You keep pushing me away when you feel like it and when you need my love you'll come to me, this relationship feels like something thriving just on your whim.

I'm left wondering how you're gonna behave today, would I get loving Tine Or are we gonna fight? Is this your revenge? Because I broke up with you? I know I hurt you terribly but I think I have proven that I would do anything for you. Is it not enough? Is my love not enough? Don't you trust me?"

"Don't shout at me. You get angry over everything. I was just saying that I don't wanna work and you overreacted. It's my life, I can do whatever I want. You don't get to dictate how I should live. Being my boyfriend doesn't mean you can control me."

"I don't want to control you. I have no problem with you living your life the way you see fit. I was just raising concerns because you love working and-"

"Well, I don't anymore."

"That's fine it's not like I'm forcing you to work. If you don't want to then don't. I just wanted to know why. I was just worried about you after whatever had happened. All I want is for you to confide in me. Talk to me. Tell me what's worrying you. We hardly talk nowadays."

"I don't wanna share every little detail with you. Is that wrong?"

"Oh God, Tine. You don't wanna understand at all. How could you say you'll get a sugar daddy?"

"I just said it."

"So, will you?"


"Get a sugar daddy?"

"You can be my sugar daddy." Tine wrapped his arms around Wat's neck pulling him closer but Wat pushed him away.

"Tine, stop."

"Why? You don't want me anymore?"

"We are having a serious conversation here."

"Well, the conversation is over now. I don't wanna talk anymore. I want you right now."

"No. We need to address this issue before we move on with our relationship."

"Should I go ask someone else?" Tine stared at Wat haughtily.

Wat wrapped his fingers around Tine's wrist a bit tightly and dragged him to the bedroom, shutting the door and threw Tine on the bed who landed with a painful thud. He got the the top of Tine as he pinned him to the bed, staring unblinkingly in his eyes that looked empty and it tugged at his heart to see the eyes that held the entire world in them be so void of light now.

"Aren't you going to f*** me?"

"No. Because I only make love."

Tine snorted, "Call it whatever you want. It's all same."

"No, it's not. I'll show you that till the day I die. For now let's just sleep. I'm tired."

"Get off me. I'm going-"

"No, you are not. You said I'm your sugar daddy so you're going to do what I tell you to. So be a good boy and cuddle with me." Wat wrapped Tine in his embrace with Tine's head on his chest as he kept running his finger's through Tine's hair.

"Let me go."

"Never bub."

Soon exhaustion set in and Tine fell asleep but Wat was wide awake. He knew Tine wasn't just acting out. He wasn't trying to hurt Wat on whim. There was something else and it looked like even Tine didn't understand what was wrong. He'll mend his little baby no matter how long that took. They are in this for forever.

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