I Don't Need You

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Next morning, Wat woke up to find Tine wasn't in bed anymore. He frantically got dressed and called him many times. He went to the lobby and there he was. He marched towards him and grabbed his arm to turn him around.

"What are you doing here?"


"You should have told me where you were going. "

"Why? It's not like I can go far away. I don't know the place."

"Still you should have informed me."

"I came down to grab a cup of coffee. What's there to tell?"

"I woke up and you weren't in the bed so-"


"You shouldn't have left me alone-"

"Yeah like you did." Tine said sarcastically.

"Tine, I'm sorry for that. I have apologized for that."

"Yes, you have. But it doesn't mean I have to forgive you."

"We talked last night and I thought-"

"You thought just because I told you about Ryan everything is perfect between us? You think we can go back to how we used to be? Well sorry to tell you but that's not the case."

"Why? It was all misunderstanding. We both love-"

"No, I don't. I used to. Misunderstanding or not I was the one left behind. You just jumped to conclusion and took decisions regarding our relationship and as if that wasn't enough, you've been treating me so poorly since we met again."

"I'm really sorry for that, Tine. You've no idea how terrible I feel. If only I could go back in time, I would change it all."

"But you can't. So ultimately nothing changes."

"You need help Tine. You can't stay with Ryan. I won't let you."

"I'll handle that on my own. I didn't tell you to ask for help. I just didn't want you to make it worse."

"Tine, what the hell is wrong with you? He has been abusing you for 3 years and you aren't going to do anything about it? Have you lost it?"

"Stop shouting at me. It's my life. I'll decide what to do with it. Don't meddle in my affairs."

"Well, it's too late for that. Now that I know I won't sit by and watch. You are breaking up with Ryan."


"What? Are you serious? You still want to stay with him? He's going to jail for what he had done to you if only don't kill him before that."

"You won't do anything."

"Yes, I will. You do know I have few connections here and there. I'll make sure that guy pays for what he had done to you."

"You can't just come in my life out of blue and decide what's good for me."

"Yes, I can because you clearly don't know what's good for you. Why are you still with him? Are you scared of him? Tine, you don't have to be scared of anyone. He won't ever touch you again."

"Sarawat, stop this. I'll decide what to do with Ryan. Don't do anything."

"Tine, you are naive if you still think you are going back to that apartment you share with him."

"What do you mean?"

"You are staying with me. You won't stay with him even for a second. I can't bear the thought of you both in same room."

"Woah, who the hell do you think you are? I'm not staying with you. "

"I'm your boyfriend."

"What? No, you aren't."

"Oh come on, Tine. I know I made a mistake and it was a big one. I hurt you terribly and in a way it's all my fault that you met Ryan. Had I not left you, you wouldn't have met that jerk. That's why it's my responsibility to take care of you. I can't let him or anyone for that matter hurt you in any way."

"I am done with this conversation."

Wat grabbed his hands and dragged him to their room. He locked the door and pinned Tine to the bed making sure to not hurt him anywhere. They stared at each other, soaking up the details they had been deprived of for such a long time. Tine looked angelic like he always does. Soft and adorable like a baby. It kills him to know that someone could hurt such an innocent person.

"What are you doing, Wat?"

"Knocking some sense in your head."

"Get off me."

"Not until you break up with him."


"Tine, it hurt so bad seeing those bruises on your body. I can't imagine how much it must have hurt you. I'm going out of my mind with rage and hatred. I want to kill that jerk. And I want to hurt myself too. All because of my stupidity, you suffered for so long. Tine, why aren't you breaking free from him? I'll help you. I'm here for you."

"I don't need you."

"Doesn't matter. You'll stay with me. I'm not asking you to love me or forgive me and we don't have to get back together if you don't want but you aren't going back to Ryan. That's final."

Tine was loosing his patience, "Don't order me around. You don't have any right to. Whatever I do with Ryan has nothing to do with you. Whether he f*** me or kills me."

The room stood still. No one moved, until suddenly Tine could feel Wat's mouth colliding with his own with painful force and desperation. Wat forced his tongue inside of the Tine's mouth angrily and passionately, and he yanked Tine forward by his shoulders, forcing their bodies to press up against each other closely.

Then with the same amount of speed, he ripped his mouth away. The boy in front of him was panting heavily with eyes that clearly displayed both anger and lust with equal dexterity.

"Don't you ever say that." Wat yelled.

Tine resisted the urge to smile as his anger dwindled and he realized that even like this, he still loved and trusted Wat more than anyone else in the world. It irked him in equal measure. Obsidian eyes met with brown ones for one brief second before the Wat leaned down and captured Tine's lips in yet another heart stopping kiss. This time Tine eagerly kissed back, groaning and whimpering into Wat's mouth frantically as he felt his length begin to pulse and twitch in desperation.

"Wait..... I can't.... Aaahhhh.... I'm s-still in r-relationship w-with Ryan... Mmmmm." Tine gasped between the kisses.

Wat broke the kiss and grabbed Tine's phone and dialed Ryan's number. As soon as he picked up, Wat spoke abruptly, "It's Sarawat speaking. Tine is breaking up with you and you better get ready to face charges of assault. And he's with me right now and he's going to stay with me." He threw the phone somewhere on the bed.

"Wat? Why did you say that? How could-"

"He's out of your life. Do you want me to kill him? If not, then don't go anywhere near him. I'll make sure he doesn't breath the same air as you."

"You can't-"

"I can. I'm being really rude and insensitive towards you but right now your safety is more important than anything else. I know you're angry with me but I can't let you get hurt anymore."

Tine just stared at him blushing and panting after that kiss. He wasn't sure why was he fighting this so much. He should be glad he was going to free from Ryan yet he hated that Wat was the one saving him. It confused him a lot. These emotions bubbling inside him, contradictory and baffling. Kissing Wat after such a long time was nothing less than euphorbia. He wanted more of it.

"Tine, we will talk more when we reach home. We are leaving in an hour. Pack everything."

Tine stared at the back of Wat wondering where would this lead them.

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