Decision To Make

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"Leave me alone."

"No, I'm not leaving you alone."

"Wat, don't start it now. Go to your apartment and let me go to mine."

"What the hell is wrong with you? You are seriously going to stay with him?"

They had landed in Thailand an hour ago and were currently standing outside of Tine's apartment.

"I don't wanna talk about this anymore. I'm done with this conversation."

"Tine, you're going to file charges against him. Got that?"

"Don't order me around. You can't just barge into my life and tell me what to do."

"Yes, I can. Whatever I'm saying is for your well-being. Why don't you get that?"

"I can manage on my own. You don't have to worry about me."

"Well, guess what? I'm worried about you. And I'll continue worrying about you. I can't believe you got into a abusive relationship."

Tine gritted his teeth in anger, "You make it sounds like I willingly did that."

"But you're staying in that relationship willingly. It's not your fault that he abuses you but the fact that you let him, is your fault."

"Get lost."

Before Wat could retort, Ryan opened the door of their apartment and glared at two of them.

"Tine, get in there."

"He's not going anywhere." Wat snapped.

"Who the hell do you think you are?"

"I'm Tine's boyfriend." Wat said smugly.

"What? What the hell? I'm his boyfriend."

"Not anymore."

Ryan turned to Tine, "Are you cheating on me?"


"He's not cheating on you. I told you when you called that he is breaking up with you."

"Who are you to decide that?"

"How many times do I need to tell you? I'm his boyfriend, jerk. And get ready to face assault charges for what you did to my Tine."

"Tine, get in there. I won't repeat myself. You won't like the consequences if you don't listen to me."

"Listen to me, jerk. You can't lay even a finger on him. He's going with me and you're going to empty that apartment immediately. You won't come anywhere near him if you don't wanna die because trust me I'm seconds away from beating the hell out of you." Wat said menacingly and for good measure punched Ryan in face probably breaking his nose.

He grabbed Tine's hand and strode towards his apartment. He opened the door and dragged Tine inside because he refused to budge.

"Put your stuff in that room and take shower. I'm going to cook something for us."

"Sarawat, please stop."

"Stop what?"


"Why? What did I do wrong? Do you expect me to watch you get beaten? Should I just do nothing?"

"Yes, I didn't tell you this-"

"I don't care why you told me. I'm angry about why did it take you so long to tell me. I know I acted like a complete jerk to you since we met again but at least you should have known I would help you even if I didn't like you."

"I don't want your help."

"Tine, I don't get this at all. Why are you so hell bent on going back to him? Do you love him?"

"Of course not."


"I don't want to take help from you."

"So it's your pride? Really? You are full of bruises and scars and you give a damn about your pride right now? Oh god, Tine you're driving me crazy and not in a good way."

"I know that I'm in a mess. You don't have to tell me that. But I'll handle-"

"Like you've been handling for last 3 years? Get real, Tine. I don't know why you still stay with him but there's something stopping you from getting out of that hell."


Wat took a step towards Tine, "I'll drag you out of that hell if I have to. You can scream and snap all you want but I won't let you go back to him. I don't care if you hate me or despise me, you've every right to but hell will freeze over before you go anywhere near that monster. So get changed or should I do that for you?"

Tine ran to the guest room and closed the door. He could feel his heart hammering in his chest. He tried to calm his nerves but he couldn't get that low deep voice and that look in Wat's eyes out of his mind. Angry Wat was on different level. Tine actually forgot about what Wat was saying because all he could think of were some inappropriate thoughts. No way was he interested in Wat anymore. No damn way.

He took a shower and came to the living room which was smelling heavenly because of food laid on the table. Wat had always been good at cooking and even though he hated to admit it he had missed Wat's cooking so much. He sat down and gobbled the food like a he hadn't eaten for days. Wat stared at him fondly and Tine found that weird. If you had asked him, he would say getting back together wasn't an option at all. But subconsciously, he would want nothing else other than being in Wat's arms again.

Tine wasn't in right head space to end the relationship he had been trapped in and start a new one with Wat. He was still confused and scared. He knew Wat meant well for him and was only helping him but still it seemed too much right now. He couldn't just pretend that Wat didn't leave him just because of a misunderstanding that wasn't even his fault. He couldn't come to terms with that yet. It didn't help the matter that their kiss had been on his mind all this while. It felt too good to forget. Gosh, he was confused.

"Finish the food then we will tackle the real problem."




"Tine, my patience is wearing thin. Do you want me to get angry?"

"I don't care."

"Oh really?" Wat smirked.

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