Chapter 1

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Cale is tired

He's so tired

Why can't anyone give him a break?

He just needs to breathe for a while

Just a while is enough for him...

But no somethi--someone! is always ruining it for him when he got the chance to rest.

And in the end, he died

He died without breathing a single air of relief

He died while there was a big problem-war in their kingdom. An overflowing Guilt. anger. And grief.

why he can't make himself rest for a while?

Even his own self is punishing him. Making him live a life full of revenge.

Revenge for basen

For lily

For his father and his second mother

Avenge them! avenge them! Avenge them!!

He needs to...

To the person who took them away...

He wants to kill...

He wants to kill that man.

That bastard!!



But in the end... He didn't even get in the man's peripheral before suddenly getting shot dead...

He's just a weakling... Goddamn useless trash!!

How could he avenge them if he didn't have the strength?!

How pathetic of him...

Has he always been this weak and pathetic?

Ever since when?...




Ever since I take that damn bottle to solve my problem.. ever since that day.

In the very start, he's already a useless weeping pathetic trash.

Cale laugh at himself as he looks at the sky

Why him?...

Why does he need to live while the people he cared about died?

Is... Is this karma?

Cale forced himself to look at the battle.

He could see Choi Han.. one of the most pathetic bastards that he know...

He beat him the first time he open his mouth to talk to him

It's not a pleasant memory, but in his years being a small soldier, one night.

For the first time. They talk...

A nice one where he didn't get beaten up, like a piece of shit he is.

That bastard of a pheasant apologizes...

Why would he apologize?

I... Didn't I say something wrong to his people?

After that talk, another opportunity came and came until they used to talk every night

Small talk about the past...

Just so they could escape this war for a while

And Turns out that bastard is older than Ron, and he beat up a minor what a jerk.

And Cale... He said some of his past mistakes, and laugh after since he found it funny

How can he open up to the man who beat him? Why can't he do that to the man who raises him and who's watching them from afar?

Ron is always like that... A dense old man.. he didn't know he cherish something until it died and Cale just know he have a little space in that old man's heart even though he. himself refuse to believe it for years.

Cale is always sensitive to emotions, and he knows that old man well too.

Well, he practically raise him so Cale would observe Ron just as he observe him.

After that, he got to join the hero tent where they discuss some important tactics.

Turns out he can make a good strategy

It works for the most part

But then the final boss came and ruin the plan...

So Cale sacrifice his life to save Choi Han's

The world needs Choi Han, Choi Han can protect them too, not for long but at least they could enjoy their time for a few more days with him.

And he. He's tired...

He wants to rest

Seeing that man's red hair brings him bad memories


Oh?.. What are you doing Choi Han?

"You damn fool. Don't take.. you..ur eyes... Away from..the enemy..."

You idiot.



"My child. Let's have a deal shall we?"


Cold Little EyesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant