Chapter 2

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"JOUR!!!" Deruth-the count-shouts can be heard outside the Henituse mansion

He cried desperately as he held the cold hands of his wife

His dear wife...

His beloved wife...

"Jour don't leave me, please!! Just hold on!!" Deruth pleads, he pleads and pleads but there's nothing he can do now.

Jour's body turned cold already and the best mage can't make the Countess cold body warm again

Deruth shouted at them, pleading at them to try it again, try harder-save his wife he plead but they just shook their heads while trying to calm the count.

But the others don't even want to take a step near the bed

Since the boy... The child of the count and countess stood there

Their eyes looking at his mother's body

With no emotion

It makes their body shiver, and the child's eyes look bottomless and scary. Like- like they can be suck at any time.


All of them flinch except the count who's too focused on his dead wife to hear the cold voice coming from his kid

Every step the child makes, make the chills in their body intensify

The young master hug his father's crunching body tighter "It's alright father. I'm here... Cale is still here" he said

Everyone in the room looks down with wide eyes.

Even though the child looks scary, he still comforts his father... But.. Aren't that his mother isn't his mother dead too? The corpse is in front of him?

"It's alright... Father shh- it's alright" Cale said brushing his father's wet locks

"Cale, cale, cale- your mom- jour is--" looks like Deruth wants to tell the little kid that his mother is dead

"I know Dad... Don't cry. I'm here.. " he said and gaze at the tense people inside the room

Meeting his cold gaze the others nod and scramble out of the room

That night Cale comfort his father until midnight

Deruth just stops crying when he's almost unconscious

After making sure his father is asleep, Cale takes a step inside the room where his mother's body lies.

He walks painfully quietly and holds the cold hands of his mother

"I'm back Mom... But I'm late. I'm sorry" I can't stop your death.

"He said you know your time... Why do you still choose to die?.. Do you hate me that much?" Cale know his mother didn't hate him, he just want to pour the emotion out in this body of his

Why would his mother sacrifice her life in exchange for his if she didn't love him?

"I deeply regret that we didn't get to talk before you pass." He said blankly

Losing his mother for the first time broke his world...

But after watching his whole family die, in front of him again and again, he can't shed tears no more.

"I'm sorry" just for me, you choose to be like this. "I'm sorry... " for letting you down. "I'm sorry.... " for not protecting them "I'm sorry." For not avenging you

All the pain that bastard gives us...

"I'll make sure we got him back ten times more than this, so..."

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