Chapter 29

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Prince Alberu could see that Kim Roksoo suddenly had an expression of disbelief as Roksoo answered back.

"I.. am human? "

It was an expression that seemed to be asking why the prince was asking such a stupid question. Alberu subconsciously let out a sigh.

"Sigh. Right, of course you are human."

Roksoo could see Alberu point at both of them before continuing to speak.

"You and I are both human. "

The Black dragon spoke to Roksoo's mind at that moment.

[That is a lie. He is not completely human.]

'Black Dragon, can you please stop? '

Roksoo was having a difficult time maintaining his composure. However, a critic weakness existed between Roksoo and the Black Dragon. The Black Dragon could talk to Roksoo whenever he wanted to do so, but Roksoo was unable to talk back to the Dragon. It was a one-way communication.

It was his fault for lacking any magic skills.

[This is my first time seeing a race with such an atmosphere around then in this great Dragon's four years of life. ]

The dragon's four years of life. The Black Dragon had only seen himself, humans, and the Cat Tribe and Wolf Tribe members he recently met.

The crown prince was not any of those species. Roksoo started to speak toward the crown prince who was looking at him.

"Of course is there much to being human? We're all human if we live amongst each other. "

Roksoo made you guys mind to forget about what the Black Dragon had said. Prince Alberu quitely looked toward roksoo before starting to speak.

"You are right. There really isn't much to being human. However. "

However. But. Roksoo was wondering if he could stop hearing these words. Prince Alberu stated to speak to Roksoo as he was contemplating.

"I thought I was mistaken at the banquet Hall, but there are some weird smells around you."

"... Smell?"

Roksoo responded with shock.

"I just showered. "

The crown prince opened and closed his mouth a couple times without saying anything after Roksoo's retort. Roksoo could see the wrinkles on Alberu's forehead from frowning. He looked like he was contemplating something. However, he erased any traces of it from his face and got to the point of the matter.

"I don't think there's a need for two people who are similar like us to try to sugar coat things. So, what do you want as your reward? Young master Cale said that you would probably like to have something that you wanted as a reward."

Alberu crossed his arms as he asked Roksoo. The reason Alberu had come here so late had to do with dealing with the aftermath of the incident, but it was also becuase he had to look at the files regarding Kim Roksoo again.

However, there was nothing on Roksoo. All of his traces are ordinary.

Well, in the files said Kim Roksoo is been Cale's butler when he was just a child. And both of them grow up together.

It is said that Roksoo's family came from western country, they fled from there and seek refuge at the Henituse County.
Which is not odd since Henituse County is a neutral ground and some people fled there for their safety.

His father and mother died later on because of complication of health, then Roksoo was recruit as a child playmate of the young master Cale henituse when he turned 9 years old.

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