Chapter 27

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The carriage arrived at the palace as soon as Roksoo said that. Roksoo got off the carriage and help Amiru and Cale out.

After that he looked around and. The current time was 8 am.

The staff would already be at the plaza of glory to prepare for the celebration. The Royal Knights will allow people to enter at 8:30 am, filling the plaza full of people.

It will be a situation where it will be difficult for anyone to go in or out. The celebration will start thirty minutes after that, and Choi han's group will start looking for the hidden picture starting at 8:30 am.

Necklace, bags, pendants.

The magic bombs will be hiding in all sorts of shapes. Choi Han's group would find the people who have the bombs located on them. Well, it didn't matter if they didn't find them, since the answer will reveal itself.

"Oh! Cale is here. "

Cale received Eric and Gilbert's 'warm' greeting, before standing next to them with Amiru.

"Everyone came early. "

"Of course. We will start moving at 8:05 am. Are you still tired? "

Eric said that to Cale, with a look of concern. Cale just shakes his head and sighs.

Roksoo notice how everyone's gaze was on Cale, they are murmuring something and looks like wants to start a conversation but everyone didn't dare to take a step.

Roksoo found it funny, and hey. 'Is he the only butler here? '

As soon as he thought that, the crown prince appeared in front of them. The nobles would follow behind the crown prince today. And he Kim Roksoo would need to step aside for a while before going next to his young master again.

But before that. He saw the person who arrived next to the crown prince, and covered his mouth with his hand. It was because he could not help but smirk.

Cale has a neutral face though. Like he couldn't care less at what he's seeing.

Well, good job. Young master.

"Oh my lord."

"How is this possible? "

"What's happening? "

Eric's shocked gasp and the murmuring of the nobles filled the area. However, Cale did not care about any of that. Instead, he look at roksoo before making eye contact with the person next to the crown prince.

The eldest son that had been pushed aside, Taylor Stan.

Cale has complicated feeling about the man. Roksoo said he could make Taylor Stan the next Marquis, he thought Roksoo was far too ambitious on this... But well.. It looks like roksoo could really do it.

He was standing on his own two legs next to the crown prince. Taylor stealthily motioned with his eyes once he made eye contact with Cale and Roksoo.

At the same time, Roksoo could hear the black dragon's voice in his head. The black dragon had entered the palace to give the current report of the situation.

[I am here. ]

Roksoo slightly nod his head, and the voice continued.

[We are dismantling all of the bombs that are currently stationed in the locations we found. We will dismantle them completely at 8:55 am, as planned. ]

Everything seemed to be going as planned.

[I will be heading back now since we are busy, weak human. Use your shield if it seems like it'll hurt. Try to get close to pretty Cale too. ]

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