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it was a normal day at work and you had just finished with your last client for the day exhausted yourself.
afterall it was 11pm

you slid back into your seat before elias walked in

elias-you have a final client i know your suppose to leave now but his the last guy

guy? i only have 2 male patients and seen them both today..?

elias went to the front before a tall tanned male walked into your room

jesus christ where have you been.

he stood tall with his golden tanned skin and black curls ontop of his head. wow. his eyes fell onto yours as you stared

you'd never seen that before.
one dark brown eye almost black and one bright green almost blue
it was beautiful very unique too.

you-please take a seat
you smiled as he sat in the chair opposite you adjusting his hips so he sat comfortably

a white buttoned shirt lay loosely on his body tucked into these amazingly made black pants with a belt to hold it all in place.

you-and you are?

??-your new client
he said gazing at you

you chuckled grabbing a clipboard with a fill in sheet passing it to him

you-could you just fill this out for me real quick

??-of course
he whispered sounding extremely tired

his hand reached at yours taking the clipboard

he began to tick and write on the page before passing it back

you-mr bello

??-please, call me by my first name
he begged

you-okay, ashton what brings you in today
you smiled

ashton-my head is all over the place
he said unbuttoning a few buttons on his shirt

you-any particular issue like anxiety or depression? any disorders or issues i should be concerned of before we begin our sessions together?
you questioned looking back up to his beautiful set of eyes.

ashton-anxiety alot of pressure, stress. maybe even ptsd and trauma too
he said now resting his hands on his lap


you-and why do you think that is

ashton-im an entrepreneur and run alot of company's i never get a break
he said glancing down your body

you wrote that onto the page to remember at future date before your hand rubbed off your head

ashton-are you okay?
he asked now propped up in his chair concerned

you-yeah, this session is all about you not me
you flashed a smile

ashton-it's yours just as much as its mine, you look tired

you-and so do you ash

he mumbled under his voice adding a small smile

you-the ptsd and trauma?
you asked him

he stared looking uncomfortable but also full of guilt

you-your guilty, why are you guilty?
you asked

ashton-ive been here for 10 minutes and you can already read my face
he chuckled

you forced a smile back extremely tired
you-i try my hardest

ashton-i can see that
he whispered titling his head to look closely at you

ashton-my brother and father
he started before clearing his throat

you-it's okay no need to feel uncomfortable i promise you this wont go anywhere but this room. im only making notes so i can remember
you admitted as he smiled at you

his small little smile that he couldnt hold in

ashton-my dad used to hurt us and everytime somebody moves at me too quickly or enters my office without a knock i get frightened and feel like im going crazy

he said before stopping

you-keep going it's alright
you comforted him

ashton-i watched him beat my brother to death with a pole
he said blandly before glancing down at his lap

ashton-it replays in my head whenever i try to sleep because i woke up to my brothers screams when it happened
he admitted

you-dont look down look at me

he hesitated but looked back up at your face

you-no matter what, you keep your head up ash. ur so strong for going through that i promise you

ashton-thank you
he admitted

you-alot of guys feels its stupid to do therapy becuase they should be a man and keep their emotions in but if its bothering you then tell somebody. i swear nobody is gonna judge you for speaking your mind

you slid your hand onto his as his eyes shot towards your hand

you-i am here to listen and help you ashton. dont worry about acting fine

you-i can see it in your eyes
you whispered gazing from the his brighter left eye to his soft darker one

he turned his hand over gripping your hand tightly before throwing his head back in a sigh

ashton-ive felt like this for over 2 years and im beginning to be unable to focus at work and work is the only thing keeping me going that's why im here
he explained before you stood up sliding your blazer off walking over to the bed lay in your room

you-any physical pain or just all up there?

ashton-my body is constantly in pain. tossing and turning trying to sleep my shoulders and back hurt like hell
he chuckled rolling his head over to look at you

you-i could book you in massages massages or physio if it's so bad, of course only if you'd like?
you questioned him

ashton-theres scars all over me

you-thats alright i dont judge, your body is beautiful
you smiled

he chuckled walking over to the bed

you-your scars show what you've got through, please lie down

the first session with a client is to always figure out their mental and or physical issues then go from there.

you-your gonna have to take your shirt off if that's okay with you if not i can do it with your shirt on but it's easier for me and has a better effect if you-

he cut you off as his hands slid down the buttons on his shirt

ashton-i'll take it off
he said before his clean white shirt fell off his muscular body

wow, here we go.

sorry if there are any spelling mistakes

patient or past?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora