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you had now got out the shower and slid some pretty underwear and a bra on as the doorbell rang

gail already!? it's only just turned 6

you wrapped your towel around yourself and opened the door

you-i didn't think you'd be here at exactly 6 just give me a minute?

he chuckled sitting on your couch adding a smile
gail-i can wait

you quickly went into your bedroom and forgot to close the door..

you dropped your towel and picked up some pretty jeans pulling them over your body in the window now noticing he was staring

you grabbed ur favourite dark red shirt sliding it over your body with a smile

you brushed your soft hair through and met back with him on the couch

you cleared your throat and glanced down at his clean outfit.

a long sleeved shirt and some fitted cargo pants, he looked very nice

you-alright are you comfortable on the couch or do you prefer somewhere else?

gail-im good here
he smiled spreading his legs wider and staring at you

you-okay first i want you to tell me about the arguement with sady

he sighed and began explaining the situation at the restaurant and you sat listening and taking important notes

you-and how did it make you feel? her replying with that

gail-hurt, she had used me for months. made me move homes and devote myself to her just for her to be cheating on me

it hurt you to hear too. ashton had a thing with sady for months before you basically destroying gail and sady's relationship.

you-what do you plan on doing? going home, staying?

gail-im not letting her send me back to france or australia, were currently filing a divorce and then we can go our separate ways so i haven't really thought about it
he smiled lightly turned to face you

you-did you two live together?

gail-yes, i brought an apartment monday so ive been busy moving in

you-thats good, do you feel free in a way?

gail-yeah, with her i always had this standard set and now i can do as i please

you-and how do you feel today?

gail-happy because im with you
he admitted sliding his hand onto the couch inbetween you both

you-because your with me?
you asked with a confused smile

gail-your a beautiful girl y/n and with you i feel...accepted. ur letting me pour my heart out and your listening and helping me in ways i cant help myself

you smiled and slid your hand into his

you-i cant judge, nobody's life is perfect gail and im here to help. just doing my job

he smiled and leant a little closer remaining calm

gail-could i kiss you?
he asked quietly and you became shocked

you-and how did that go for you last time

gail-i got embarrassed
he admitted sliding his hand off yours and standing up

gail-i need a minute
he cleared his throat and you grabbed his arm

you-sit, ur not going to smoke a cigarette

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