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you woke up the next morning for early start at 6am seeing rowan walk out your bathroom and grab his clothes for the day

rowan-hey gorgeous

you smiled picking out your own outfit for the day

you-hi hunny good shower?

you turned to him now mesmerised by his body

rowan-yeah, early morning?
he asked buckling his jeans together

you-um yeah, 8am patient i was gonna grab breakfast first

he smiled
rowan-good idea considering you didn't eat yesterday

you chuckled kissing his lips gently

your tounges fit eachothers perfectly as he fell against the wall and giggled into the kiss

you pulled back hitting his chest
you-you cant giggle when im giving you loves before i leave for 8 hours

he raised his arms going into the bathroom
rowan-my apologises baby

you smiled turning to the mirror and getting half changed before getting caught in a gaze at yourself.

you stood infront of your mirror staring at your body half dressed for work

it looked horrible. your left breast smaller than the other and ur weird little bit of skin at the bottom of your stomach.

you sighed as rowan walked out the bathroom immediately looking at you with a smile

rowan-you are the most gorgeous woman ive ever lay my eyes on
he admitted while staring

you smiled lightly tugging the shirt into your hand

rowan-do you feel uncomfortable in your own body? because the stare your giving yourself isn't what i want to see

you-just forget it, its stupid
you muttered pulling your shirt down and he quickly stopped you

rowan-y/n, i love you do you know what that means

you smiled looking into his soft green eyes

rowan-it means i love all of you. every bit of you. there's nothing to be insecure about ever and i want you to understand that

rowan-so now, ur gonna go to work and have an amazing day, have some lunch with your break at 1 and call me when you do

you smiled hugging him tightly

you-you checked my diary?


you chuckled giving him a kiss on the cheek

you-your gonna have an amazing day too
you smiled to him walking out your bedroom and into the living room in a clear view for ashton who was staring into your house almost like he was waiting to see you.

unless he could see into your bedroom and had just witnessed everything you and rowan had just done...

rowan-wooh office paperwork and fixing cars

you giggled turning around to him

you-you look super sexy when it's a car day, all covered in oil with your messy hair

rowan-oh yeah?

you giggled

you-i wish i had spare time off so i could come see you work

you took his face in your hands staring back at his perfect features.

rowan-you sit and look pretty all day talking to people and you'd rather come to a messy garage to see me?

you nodded
you-most definitely

he chuckled with his hands rubbing off your waist

you-can we go for dinner later?

he grew a smile kissing your lips quickly

you stumbled back against the couch grabbing it in your right hand

you-rowan baby
you muttered pulling back from his lips as he glanced to the couch giggling

rowan-i'll book us a reservation for 8

you smiled giving him a hug for the day and making your way to your office.

you arrived to the office seeing the same guy from the store


you smiled signing in beside him

elias-morning y/n

you-morning eli. um a little bit of me advice take him on board, his good

atticus smiled staring at you and you gave him a little flirty wave going into your office

time to eat my breakfast and clear up for my day.

the day went by quickly and by now it was 5pm and your last patient had just left the room as elias came in

elias-hey i need you to go watch atticus do a session if thats alright?

you-yeah of course

elias smiled giving you his room number and you walked in taking a seat at the back

you-dont mind me im also a therapist i dont speak of whats said in this room
you smiled to the woman sat infront of atticus

she nodded and you sat back watching him talk to her and reassure her when she got a little under pressure and stressed out

atticus-of course have a good night miss her/n

she left the room leaving you two alone together

you-wow your pretty good
you smiled as he stood up fixing his belt

atticus-thank you although i'd like to learn how not to feel stressed out when talking to them

you-just breathe. ur here to help them and ur room is safe space for them just as it is for you, remember that

he smiled
atticus-i'd have to watch you to learn im a visual learner

you chuckled as he opened his door for you, you both walked out seeing ashton at the front desk

fuck sake.

you-i could show you now? i have 1 more patient tonight

he nodded
atticus-please, i've been on edge all day and i dont think i could go through that again tomorrow

i cant believe im about to do this.

sorry if there are any spelling mistakes

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