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you rolled off his body picking up the phone

you flirted watching ashton roll his eyes annoyed

he glanced down to dick where your left hand lay massaging it.

he tried his absolute best to keep his sounds in while you smirked, happy at hoe much control you had over him

rowan-hey you home?

you-yes why

rowan-great, i made you something

you-you made me something huh?

rowan-you'll love it, make sure ur doors unlocked im 2 minutes away

you ended the call pulling your shirt bakc over your body and letting your hair flow down

ashton-whos coming over
he asked panting and letting out deep moaning breathes to calm himself and his dick down...

you-rowan, he made me something. get up, go home

ashton-sorry what, ur kicking me out?

you stood up fixing your hair in the mirror

you-i said i need you out ash

ashton threw you back against your bed leant over you

ashton-do i need to fuck ur attitude out? because trust me i'll do it infront of him

you-go ahead, im urs anyway you know that baby

he chuckled throwing you back against the pillows

ashton-im showering here

you-fine by me

ashton-and then i want you to pay full attention to me because i didn't like that little game you played
he explained stripping naked infront of you

god it was sexy.

you stood infront of his naked body and gently kissed his lips once

you-look at me ashton

he glanced down your body looking back up to your eyes

you-im all yours and i'll give you all the attention in the world

his tounge feel into your mouth as you giggled hitting your draws hearing the front door open

he called out in a little mysterious yet flirty tone

ashton-all ur attention, understood? that means hugs, cuddles, kisses no fuck that makeouts instead. touching me everywhere, telling me how much you love m-

you cut him off by a kiss as he gasped taking your face in his hands

you-i'll do it all, now, the quicker you get in that shower then the quicker you can rub it in rowan's face that im yours.

he smirked gladly going off to the bathroom and you met rowan in the living room fixing your clothes

you-ahem sorry
you chuckled glancing down to yourself as he chuckled poking the inside of his mouth with his tounge

rowan-your shirts um
he cleared his throat pulling it down and off your left boob covering it

you-thats embarrassing
you whispered as rowan chuckled passing you a small box

he smiled as you gasped quickly open the box

you-ur kidding, oh my god rowan

you glanced up his laughing face

rowan-i has spare time on my hands after work and i was home alone, tali was at work already so i made you some cupcakes. those are strawberry filling and those are plain vanilla but this whole packet is coconut

you-i love youuu
you said biting into one of the coconut ones humming at how good they tasted


you nodded holding it out to him

you-amazing, try it

he took a bite quiet taken back how good they were

rowan-oh wow im an amazing baker

you giggled putting the rest in your mouth and placing the box onto the counter

you-did you sort things with tali?

he sighed
rowan-shes looking for a new place and hses technically been cheating on me with this office guy

you-oh really? thats not like her?

rowan-yeah. his tall, dark hair, these tattoos on his body. i walked in on them and she literally admitted to pretty much dating him the entire week

that sounds exactly like ashton.

well of course it's a pretty vague description but come on.

you-oh im so sorry rowan

rowan-don't be, we were never bound to work out. we just fell too quickly and didnt ive it any time so with that let's talk about you. how are you feeling after yesterdays sickness

you-better thanks
you smiled sliding back onto the counter as he leant infront of you

rowan-have you dyed your hair?
he asked running his hands through your hair

you-hm, no but i didnt straighten or curl it today

rowan-that'll be why
he smiled placing his hands onto the counter

rowan-hows ur love life
he chuckled

you-i hate to say this but pretty good. ive got a tall, sexy spanish guy in my house everyday
you smiled

rowan-spanish huh?

you-yeah his really sweet
you smiled lightly hearing the shower turn off faintly

rowan-mm im better
he whispered adding a deep breathe and sliding off you

ashton-baby is my shirt in here
ashton asked walking into the room shirtless

you-um i dont think so
you said glancing around as ashton's eyes met rowan's

rowan-maybe im not
he whispered as you watched his confidence drop

you-ash go get a shirt on
you chuckled shoving him back into your bedroom

ashton-but i-

you cut him off by closing the door in his face

you-sorry, ignore him
you giggled sitting beside rowan

rowan-i think i'll just go, i haven't ate dinner yet so

you-i can cook you something
you offered as he stood up you quickly grabbed his hand

you-look rowan. i know that you like me and i understand that ive been messing with you for weeks but im happy with him and i want us to be good as friends

rowan-i can look at you without wanting to rip ur clothes off
he chuckled

rowan-i don't know if i can just be friends

you took his hands in yours

you-you won't know unless you try

rowan is an amazing guy, and i'd hate to loose the connection we have.

i have to try with him.

first step- friendship

sorry if there are any spelling mistakes

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