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you arrived home and ended the call, unlocked the door and fell into rowan's arms

rowan-its okay y/n im here
he whispered rubbing your back holding you tightly in a hug

you-i just thought to give him a second chance because i was being petty about the whole late thing but now his actually hurt me rowan

rowan-i know hunny, it wont happen again i wont let it

you-but i kept it from you, i lied to you

rowan-i dont care, you didn't lie you just kept a secret. and if that secret got told then i would of been very mad baby, im glad you kept it to yourself

you-im not
you whispered against his now wet neck

rowan slid down the couch letting you lie ontop of him, legs at his sides hands gripping his shirt

you-im so stupid, im such a fucking fool
you whispered against his chest

rowan-a fool for love and theres nothing wrong with that

you-but it should be you, i should be a fool for you not some spanish man who's got this fucked up life

rowan-it should be whoever you feel closest to y/n. im here because i love you and you need me, clearly. if you feel the same that's great and if you dont that's okay im not going anywhere

you-i love you, i love you so much rowan

rowan-but ur not in love with me
he whispered clearly hurt resting his head onto yours

you-can i just lie here for a little bit?
you asked wiping your pathetic tears away now sat up looking down at him

rowan-i'll lie here with you forever y/n

you smiled pulling him up to you hugging his warm body

you-i wanna sit instead
you whispered against his neck, your body touching his

rowan-thats okay with me
he smiled against your skin laying a gentle kiss there

rowan-im going back to mine tommorow, it was suppose to be tonight but i cant leave you in this mess

you-i don't want you to go, not yet

rowan-like i said im not going anywhere, my house or yours im still here

you smiled snuggling into him enjoying the comfortable silence between you two


rowan-thats me
he replied softly rubbing his hands off your back slowly

you-im ready

rowan-ready for what
he asked with a soft smile still running  his hands up and down he back


he pulled back looking at your face in confusion

rowan-as in-


rowan-no ur not
he replied pulling you back to the hug

you-no i am rowan, im done with ashton and i want you. all of you.

he replied softly

rowan-ur not ready for that, ur hurt and want a realise. i dont want ashton to be the cause of our first fuck after a while

you whispered with your eyes closed extremely tired

rowan-his ur neighbour?
rowan asked pulling back and staring across the room

patient or past?Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang